What have you done today?

I went to the rugby…Newport won :grinning:

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Woke up!! thankfully

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Nothing much - just relaxing at home and doing laundry!

not alot yet, just the ping, squirt and a slice

Give us a chance, still warming up!!!

And, limbering a bit.

Consumed my first infusion

Three mile jog/walk then Tesco…
Another three mile walk after breakfast, to the next village for the snowdrop festival and hopefully tea and scones at the church…

Been to the cinema with my son, popped into Iceland for some spicy chicken snacks on the way home.
I’m listening to Ancient Evenings on Amazon audible right now. I have a pack of bread rolls to use up, they’ll be spread with a liberal helping of garlic, olive oil and herbs before being wrapped in foil and stored in the freezer as garlic bread :garlic:

Sat at home most of the day waiting for an engineer to come out and service our boiler - which was a no-show, much to the extreme annoyance of “Mrs Graham”. One argument down the phone later and rebooked another visit.

Meanwhile, sat here on my PC still working on some pictures from my camera whilst downing coffee and chocolate biscuits.

Today we went to Aldi. My wife, the dog, and I. It’s an hour and back. Then I went to our local convenience store. There are some things I can’t get there. Then a bit of gardening. Then lunch. Then a chat to an electrical forum. And now here.

The snowdrop festival was spectacular but I forgot to take the camera (sorry guys) it was very well supported and the tea and butterfly buns went down a treat. Although it turned out to be six miles, three miles in each direction along the canal banks, it was a flat scenic walk with narrow boats moored at the locks. The beautiful 13th century church was packed to the rafters, and the lady vicar led prayers for the victims of the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

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Came across a young black snake on my walk this morning, I thought at first it was just sunning itself but then wondered if it had been run over by a car - see the tyre sized dent near the tail. I stayed a metre away just in case it was angry rather than dying.

I’m glad we don’t have any of those here. Although I ran past what I thought was a dead grass snake a few years ago…But it had gone on my return…

Put the Bike on charge.

Visit the Northern General hospital at Sheffield for the annual checkup on my pacemaker (plugs and points, or whatever they do with this modern stuff)…

Good luck Foxy, think I prefer my day in the making but, it ain’t done yet! don’t take nowt for granted.

Thanks Spitty, everything working as it should be and still 13 years left on the battery…
A very nice and knowledgeable young lady did the necessary…If I was twenty years younger… :017: better make that 40 years younger…

Went to London for a day trip with my son. We took The Thames Clipper from London Bridge Pier to Westminster and said hello to Boudicca before hopping on The District Line to South Kensington for a visit to The V&A Museum.

A couple of beers in The Crown and Anchor in Covent Garden before browsing in Foyle’s and on to Gerrard Street for a bit of shopping before heading back to London Bridge.

I’m glad we went early, the crowds were a nightmare by the afternoon!

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how exciting ive not been to London for a few years, It only an Hour away on the train from Grantham to Kings Cross.Its on my to do list …

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