What have you done today?

Good to see how You are remembering all the good things about Scotland and the Scottish People RS…but…I DO remember in the old OFF how You disrespected Me & other Scots Members…to the point where I wanted to feckin strangle Your xenophobic attitude which You were allowed to get away with…have You mellowed in Yer auld age…or…do You realise You cannot post all that shit any more?

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This is where I lived in Scotland until I moved south.

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May sorry I don’t remember and more than likely done as a windup to get people going knowing me. No doubt in the past I had a crack at the Irish and the Welsh so the Scotish didn’t feel alone. Been to Northern Ireland but never visited Wales

It is Thursday 8.20am and I have just returned from driving my visitor the 90km to Sydney Airport. It rained the entire way there and all the way back. If that wasn’t bad enough the bloody airport charged me $19.90 for one hours parking, the bastards! That’s privatisation for you.

As for Scotland, I thought Glasgow was the nicest city in the UK when I visited.


I suppose my job got me those places. Or most. Shetland but not Orkeny. And not the islands like Guernsey I’ll get there.

taken a photo of the moon 00.35am on 6-10-2022 (EDITED)

not one of my best ones somehow. Don’t know if it is to do with moon position or what


Bit of a loose end today, but I want to take advantage of the break in the weather. May drive down to the forest and see what I can bag with my trusty camera. Before that, I need my coffee!

The dog walked this morning - I did too. Then we went to the dermatologist. I had a couple of cancers removed about six years ago. One was fine but the other scab persisted and nothing seemed to move it. Now there is an ointment the is doing the trick. The scab is now about half the size it was. Not gone but getting there…:slight_smile:

acorn and oak leaf collecting off the grass in our back garden.


Well I was supposed to be going home this morning.

No washing bowl, no bedding or pyjama change.

Transport home was due before 10 am.

Now stuck in bed blood pressure has dropped to 71/44 and not allowed to sit up or walk

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Sorry to hear that Swimmy. Fingers crossed.

Very bad and lazy days are going … laziness…(netflix+coffee)


Done one painting and a sketch for my next project


Oh gosh Swimmy… so fed up for you…I hope you have better news today

I ordered bedroom curtains…and I watched the tiler tiling my kitchen floor…things are moving on with the house build…we might actually be able to.move back in next week sometime. :smile:

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That would be great summer best before winter sets in .


I have tested positive for COVID on a lateral flow test in hospital today and am awaiting the results of the full text.I feel lousy and hope it’s not as bad as last time I caught it in hospital.

Awful isn’t it…I’ve come to the conclusion some people are just more susceptible than others … hope you are not too poorly Swims

For heaven’s sake Swimmy. Hope you’re ok. Will this affect the likelihood of you being allowed home soon?

Meanwhile, I’ve had a lovely afternoon up in sunny Scarborough, meeting and making old friends and new. Lovely mediterranean meal at a restaurant called Askim’s and am now resting in the hotel room.

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As usual we walked the dog. It has been wet but lucky before it did too much. Then my daughter and her wee lassie visited us. We decided to have a pub nice pub lunch. The “wee” girl has an appatite then some!
It was a lovely a lovely, enjoyable afternoon.