What have you done in the garden today?

I raked the leaves the other day because they were wet and I didn’t want to disturb the neighbours (like I normally do) with the petrol leaf blower.

I quite enjoyed the hard work - it took about 2 hours in total to do the front and the back, then I chopped back one of the trees in the back garden to open the garden up a bit more. I never used to like gardening until we moved into this house.

Today I’ll pick up the branches that have fallen off the sycamore in the front and put them in the brown bin.

Daffodils starting to come through at the moment, we never knew we had them because we only moved in to the house in September last year.


That’s great @Barry looks like they’re all coming up. :+1:

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Bit of tidying up, old d stalks of Alliums where new ones are well on the rise.
Started the mower just to make sure after giving it a service, three pulls and it was away, Briggs and Stratton engine can’t beat em imo.

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I must sit down and go through all my old packets of seeds to see which ones need binning and what to keep.
I bought some Cosmos seeds and Cineraria seeds today, but won’t be sowing them just yet.

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I won’t be sowing my cosmos seeds until march.

Do you sow your Cosmos indoors Logan, or straight outside?

@Mups I sow them indoors in the conservatory in a seed tray then when they have their proper leaves I prick them out and put them in toilet roll tubes cut in half, I put them all in a tray with no holes in the bottom.

I know what you mean, Logan, and thanks.
Loo rolls and kitchen roll tubes are cheaper than root trainers, ey. :wink:

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That’s great Mups and they’re not plastic. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nothing today it’s too cold but maybe next week.

I plan to do nothing in the garden today except sunbathe!! :sun_with_face: :grin:


It’s been nice weather today 12c
So I did some more cutting the old leaves off the hellebores.


Gosh, those petals look so healthy!

Thank you @Lucylulu the flowers are but the old leaves get disease so they have to be cut off, the new ones are ok.

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Today I plan to turn over a couple of the raised beds and plant some seeds in trays on the windowsill. OK it’s early yet, but I’ve got plenty of seeds to try again later if they fail… :sunglasses:

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I heard from my cousin that you are having a good summer, so enjoy the sunbathing @Lucylulu :blush:, a great way to spend the day in the garden…


All depends on the definition of good. It is very dry here in the north, our third season of what is effectively a drought. We have irrigation so our crops are not suffering too much though even that is struggling to keep up…
At times though, the thing wilting the most…is me!!


If it stays fine, I will get some hoeing done later as weed seedlings are showing through.
I also have a new potted Rhodedenderon I would like to pot on to a slightly bigger tub.
I might even trim round the edges of the lawn, which at least makes it look a lot tidier for the time being.

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I never know what are weed seedlings or seeds I have forgotton I am always digging up bulbs I have forgotten were there

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Muddy, try hoeing the weeds instead of digging, that way you shouldn’t go deep enough to disturb your bulbs.

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