What everyday food do you really not like?

I used to think that I liked all veg after a while eating them I went off them, it was sweet potato and celeriac, couldn’t eat them at all.


To be honest I get really fed up that I like just about everything I sometimes wish I was a fussy eater it might make cutting down easier if I’m on a diet :slight_smile:

If I have to say one thing that turns me off its snotty eggs you know when eggs are not cooked through…I don’t like that…oh and I just remembered now I live next to a field of sheep and I’ve got to know them I couldn’t eat lamb…not ever!


Snotty eggs!! :rofl: ewwww. You have a way with words but yes, undercooked eggs are gross.


Yes I agree and I know what you mean about eggs, and yet when it comes to scrambled eggs I’d rather have them a little bit on the runny side than overcooked and rubbery.


I feel the same about venison. We once went to a lovely NYE in a hotel in the Cotswolds but I froze when I realised the main was venison. I’m sure it was delicious but it’s still Bambi.


I used to feel that way about Okra. But have since eaten it having realised there are ways to cook it to stop the sliminess.


I forgot about that crap. Can’t stand it or tofu.


Curry! It burns my mouth and races through me like a high-speed sprinter.

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Cucumber, yuck. Love beetroot though.

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I’ve just thought of a couple more to add to my hate list: chickpeas and lentils.

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Ooh yes, chickpeas - I never did see the point of those and as for couscous which is made from chickpea flour:

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That’s another - cous cous. Thanks for reminding me, Zaph. :+1:

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Tinned pineapple yuk .
My mother used to serve it with evaporated milk.

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Ooh, wouldn’t that curdle the evap. milk?

Bought some Guacamole, I thought it was purée of an avocado, it was revolting, it had added ingredients,…:tired_face:…won’t be buying that again.

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I love avocadoes, but shop-bought guacamole is usually yuck compared to homemade.


So I found out, :joy: I must look the recipe up.

I find that with sweet and sour sauce,( shop bought) it’s yuck compared to homemade,:+1:

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Thanks for reminding me - mushy peas (Peter Mandelson’s guacamole :lol:) - I hate them with a passion.


I used to love mushy peas with chip shop fish and chips, but nowadays it’s 50/50 whether or not I can cope with eating any of that lot and instead I often resort to smoked fish with something or other.