Stealing from another post, but what works best? Intermittent fasting or keto or couple it? I thought keto was great for about 4 days but didnt hold it. What worked best for you? Getting close to the below and determined to stick the diet this time with the gym.
Don’t go to the Gym, there is a massive exercise opportunity just outside one’s front door, get a bike, but don’t upset anyone!!
Different diets work for different people, I think, it depends on your metabolism
Full on Keto is very hard to keep to but it works almost instantly for me
If I do a full week plus a bit more exercise, I can lose 7lbs in a week on it
Plus I feel really well on it, lots more energy
But it is hard to stick at it so most of the time we just try to do lower carb
I find too much carbs definitely make me sleepy, fatigued and a bit slow and stodgy so I use a lot of the ideas I learned with Keto to reduce our carbs and it does seem to work weight wise
A bit more exercise is the key too
And we all know really what foods we shouldn’t indulge in too much if we want to lose weight. Move away from that chocolate fudge cake!
Never been to a gym, they seem expensive and just the sort of thing I’d hate
And if you want to persist in exercise I think it needs to be something you enjoy, or you’ll give up
I walk, swim, do Tai Chi, juggling, hula hoop, dance exercise class and some muscle strengthening exercises
I also make myself get down on the floor and stand up again without holding onto anything 5 times a day as apparently this is a very important skill to maintain as you get older
Oh and stand on one leg while you brush your teeth ……don’t ask!
As I have said before and I say again…eat less and move more. The small and beautiful village I live in is slowly but surely filling up with fast food outlets and they are always full of people buying fat filled, sugar filled and salt filled foods and I use the word food loosely. Of course I am aware that people of a certain age can’t always exercise or even walk as much as they once did but there just as many, if not more, much younger people who are grossly overweight often seen leaving these fast food shops with their face buried in a burger.
Don’t eat or as Doc Martin says ‘Keep your Mouth Shut’.
Well i’m on a Cholesterol Diet at the moment, have only lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks.
Good for you Susie. Losing a little weight puts a lot less strain on your joints, especially the hips and knees.
I’m on the McVities diet at the moment…
You can eat anything you like but a mug of Yorkshire Tea must be followed by a minimum of three McVities chocolate biscuits…

I’ve only ever been on one diet in my life before and that was a ‘carbo loading’ diet. You can’t force your body to save all the energy you obtain from food, so you have to trick it into storing as much as possible…
A week before a marathon you do a long run to deplete your body of as much energy as you can. For the next three days only eat protein and fats. By the end of the third day your body will be crying out for carbs to replace the lost energy. On the fourth, and consecutive days only eat carbs…Spuds, rice, pasta, and anything else that contains carbs, either complex or simple. Because your body panics into thinking that carbs may be in short supply in the future, almost 90% of the food you eat will be converted to energy and stored in the muscles as Glycogen, the five star fuel for runners…
I only ever did this once but was rewarded with my fastest marathon of all time in just 3 hours…
One that suits you, but don’t deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy, even if they are not supposed to be good for you - just treat yourself in small amounts and that means you have something to look forward to and don’t get bored.
Plus walk a lot, if you can, although that may not be possible for some - but keeping on the move in any way is really good.
Whatever diet you decide upon will never work unless you stick with it. Nothing you eat or don’t eat will have any effect overnight. Be patient.
Any foods with less than 3% fat in it.
My husband has lost 3 stone in 4 months.
Shouldn’t we be using metric? That’s what doctors and nurses use.
The experts say the best way to lose weight is slowly, which gives us a better chance of keeping the weight off.
Well done.
Not in my house Besoeker
Well yes, a lot of people still use old measures - your self included. My field is electrical engineering so it is all SI (System International or metric). That said, I am still conversant with feet, yards, Roman numbers…
<<< With an Addictive Sweet Tooth.
Used to treat Condiments. Such as Virgin Olive Oil, Apple Vinegar, Limes and Lemons.
As ‘May Be’ additives.
With the advent of dubious Processed Food. These condiments have become Essential Additives.
No Expensive Probiotics. No stressed indigestion. And a Purrrrfict BMI.
@LookingForward All I do is eat what I need to maintain a healthy weight and of course no snacking unless I feel a deep body need to eat something before the next meal is due. I seldom weigh myself and I’ve been stable for the past 20+yrs when I suffered several TIA’s just prior to my 60th birthday. I’m convinced it’s all in the mind and being a very mindful person, I never eat beyond capacity and enjoy every day of this long retirement I find myself in👍
Haven’t had a good BMI in a while, more than anything else, hoping to bring down blood pressure and high choles. Here’s to a getting that avg BMI…and from there to perfection
I actually find myself growing a little more mindful as I get older. Still have a tendency to overeat and not stick with things, but really tips on this thread. Thanks all!
Just eating smaller meals worked for me….
My wife lost a lot of weight recently and all she did was cut out all the sweets and rubbish she has been eating and started on fruit, vegetables and salads. Weight just dropped off.