What book are you reading now?

“A Snapshot of Murder” by Frances Brody, I’m into vintage crime again!

I got hooked on the Kindle after hoarding books for a lifetime. I am currently rereading a autobiography by a Soviet infantry officer during WWII. The nice thing about getting old is that I can read a book, and three months later read it again and it is new and fresh!

One thing I do remember, is this; never walk into Russia thinking that you are going to take over the place.

Zulu by Wilbur Smith, full of adventure in darkest Africa love it.

I am reading ‘The Testaments’ by Margaret Atwood.

The Temptation for Forgiveness by Donna Leon. I’m not keen on her writing style but will keep on reading.

My current book is called ‘The perfect child’ by Lucinda Berry.

For eager adoptive parents, getting what they always wanted has chilling consequences.

I find this book very disturbing but I can’t put it down…

I am rereading Christopher Lee’s autobiography - “Tall, Dark and Gruesome” - with one of his CDs playing in the background - he had a fantastic operatic bass voice.

Just finished DISTANT THUNDER by T. D. Griggs, the best book I’ve read in a while.

Just read for the umpteenth time The Dolphins Of Pern by Anne McCaffrey.

Oooo! Anne McCaffrey takes me back. I loved her Dragon sagas!

I read, “You Were Gone” by Tim Weaver. It was very good!
It would make an excellent TV series, very unusual plot about a guy whose wife died of cancer, several years later a woman looking like her walks into a police station saying she’s his wife.

I’ve read a few Tim Weaver books and really enjoyed them. I also thought they would make a good tv series :023:
Thought the same about Michael Robotham, the O’Loughlin/Ruiz books, they would also make good telly.

Currently reading Lisa Jewell, The House We Gew Up In. It’s ok.

The Ashes of Berlin by Luke McCallin, well written and thought-provoking.

We’re completely hooked on Elly Griffiths’ Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries. The bloke that ran our local 3 for £5 book shop put us onto her and, I must say, it was a good recommendation. Shame the bookshop has since closed.

I have requested The Chalk Pit at the Library.

I have just started “The Girl on the Train”, the Paula Hawkins’ version.

Quite intriguing but am only on page 62 of 300(ish) so can’t give a definitive opinion of it.

Another Tim Weaver fan here.

Blood Road by Stuart MacBride, the first I’ve read by this author but there will be others. I’m hooked. :slight_smile:

Rendezvous South Atlantic… Douglas Reeman, good old naval war book C1942

I agree. Wilbur Smith is the best historical novelist of all time. Every few years I re-read River God, my absolute favorite Wilbur Smith novel. :slight_smile:

Excellent choice.:023: I’ve just bought a copy of “All That’s Dead” by him, which I shall read next.