What book are you currently reading?

Just re read The Far Pavilions by M M Kaye .
Wonderful novel set in India .


I’m glad this thread has been bumped up…my amazon basket is getting quite full now :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I finished a really good book ‘Still Life’, by Sarah Winman. I have
tried and given up on three books since. So I’m still looking for
something interesting to read.

Could anybody recommend a good psychological thriller please?

TJ Higgs’, “Signs From The Afterlife”.

I am excitedly awaiting delivery for the new Jane Harper novel, I ordered it pre-publication but it is supposed to be released this month - however I don’t know when.


I just discovered the book is released on 20th September so not long to wait. BTW it is titled “Exiles”

I’m now enjoying reading, The Secret Diary Of Hendrik Groen. He’s 83 ¼ years old, Dutch and in an assisted living facility. It’s mostly been funny but there are some passages that are touching as well. So far though, a good read.

Just read The Castaways by Lucy Clarke .
Quite good .

12 Rules for Life.

Jordan B. Peterson

I’m just about to start on this one.
Its the first book I’ve taken out of a public library for a long time.

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I’m re-reading “When God was a Rabbit” by Sarah Winman. It’s a lovely story of family life and growing up.

I have just finished A Snowball’s Chance in Hell (DCI Logan Crime Thrillers Book 9) Kindle Edition
and am about to start the tenth. Good reads for any of us who enjoy crime stories based in Scotland.

Terry Pratchett, Discworld…all of them


Wot? These?


I am reading Jodie Picoult’s wish you were here. About a girl who gets trapped in Galapagos during lockdown, but with a twist in the tale.

How does one get into Pratchett? I tried but wasn’t hooked. Is it a case of perseverance?

That’s an interesting point. I wonder if it is male only reading? Over the years I have tried to get female friends to read him but I don’t think any have gone on to read a second book.

Personally I find it hilarious reading and I am not a fan of either science fiction or fantasy genres. I have audio books for listening to on long drives, ebooks as well as hardcover books of all his works

Having said that there used to be a lady on the OFF site who was a big fan, I forget who it was.

I should add that some of his books are much better than others, there are a few I wouldn’t read twice.


I do have a very “sciency” BFF who loved TP but she has successfully studied rocket science. Perhaps that’s where I am going wrong? :face_with_monocle:

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Wot? These?
In Hardback too…respect Bruce

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