What are your favourite 'features' on the new site

@Twink55 …and some more than others :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
sorry couldn’t resist that old one


Once again Meg, I know exactly what you mean ! :icon_rolleyes:

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Is that a sort of spying function then BAZ ??
Seems like somebody going thro your office waste paper basket a bit ??

Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

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So it’s not only me Meg??
I feel about better now!!

Donkeyman! :+1::hugs::+1:

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Still working my way around.

I am hoping to do a quote and post a photo sometime soon.

I do enjoy still being able to chat to people however, I do not feel cut out.


Here’s the latest info on quoting:



To quote a person’s post or part of their post

To quote text that you have typed or pasted into the reply box

Also, if you want put a single line of text as a ‘quote’ just add a > at the start of the line, eg:

>I want this shown as a quote

Will display as:

I want this shown as a quote

You can also use the old fashioned [QUOTE] tags.

Cool huh? :003:


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Posting a photo can be as easy as doing a “copy image” from your PC screen, as I’ve done here:


But it’s more likely that you will want to do more than that - it’s probable that @Azz or another FM will provide more comprehensive instructions soon … :smiley:

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I guess that might be useful in some of the more contentious threads, perhaps debates and discussions, where a post is deliberately edited after posting what might be a rather dubious comment. Although those are few and far between as most of the threads / posts are not like that so really accurate timing is not required. :relieved:

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Not quite sure what you mean DM, checked previous posts but couldn’t find anything similar to your reference, perhaps quote that post if possible? :grinning:

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It’s great to see you all discovering new features and enjoying the site more and more - and it’s only been days since we made the switch over :star_struck:

It’s possible that that counter did not get updated when someone posted a reply while you were on the page - on this forum, when you are on a thread and someone posts while you are there, it shows up right there and then - same with post edits - it gives you a ‘live’ update :003:

If it happens again try refreshing the page, it should hopefully show the latest number on that counter then :023:

@Baz46 you are not alone Baz :slightly_smiling_face: I have lots of edits nothing sinister though. For some reason I don’t notice mistakes when I read through a post but a minute later I see them.
Not all edits are so innocent though, one member used to watch when Mods were around to read it then post something nasty about the site or a member and quickly delete it befor a mod could and the editing time expired leaving a ‘blank post’ .
It surprising what some people find ‘amusing’ , it won’t be possible to do that now :icon_cool:

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@Meg - it was amusingly ironic to actually see your edit on that post happen in “real time”. Wouldn’t have been possible on the old site.

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@Dextrous63 that’s fine by me Dex :slightly_smiling_face: nothing to hide here .

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Of all the years I have been on this site, I have never seen you and Mags logged in on the old site.

I can see you both logged in on this new site.

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Their status as mods necessitated it. If we knew they were around and watching, it might have affected how we posted.

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@pauline3 That is so Pauline :slightly_smiling_face: however if we could be seen to be posting in threads I think it could be safely assumed that we were on line.


Sorry Dex…I sincerely don’t understand your logic,

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There is an odd feature, the little ‘settings’ wheel in the post menu has something called hide details


This text will be hidden (boo! …what is this :grin:)

I am not quite sure what purpose this has unless it is to summarise /shorten a very long post before quoting it ,

@Dextrous63 ETA in case Dex is watching I have edited this post to add the word
post which I missed out :grinning:

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When you were at school, did you behave differently when a teacher was in the room compared to when you knew for a fact (s)he wasn’t?

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Sorry Dex, your thinking/ teaching is completely alien to me, I truly don’t understand you, …:pray::pray:

Edited, because it didn’t make sense.

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