That feature is definitely very comprehensive isn’t it – showing the last 100 revisions really is quite something!
Usually I read my posts before posting, I cannot abide typos in my own posts. That goes very much against the grain, my working life was spent ensuring those types of errors did not get through on final products. Old habits die very hard, useless spell checkers that need to go back to school don’t exactly help either!
This plus so many other features we did not have on the old OFF site is very impressive and all thanks to Azz.
When replying, the box pops up at the bottom, seems a bit tight and difficult when selecting smilies. You can drag the orange line up. And it stays up for when next replying.
An anomaly I notice is the message count at the right does not always get to, say, 36/36
This thread shows the last message as 48/49. What has happened to the missing message? I don’t have anybody on “Ignore” (it’s against my religion). Another example:
I don’t think that would leave a post unaccounted for. The posts I’ve seen deleted by a poster still stays as a post and says something like deleted by the author.
Tiff I think Meg & Mags have confined him so he cannot escape!
He did promise me, on a reply to one of my posts that he would be around more, but I suppose we will have to let him have meal breaks & sleep time!