The huge increase in the amount of learner motorbike riders weaving their way through heavy traffic risking their own lives and others to deliver so called fast food.
Other old people!
Working has lost it’s appeal. Filling in paper forms is also very much a drag. Just writing seems more difficult. I am not sure whether that’s age or the level of computer/mobile use.
I like other old people, nothing like a bit of a whinge at the bus stop, it’s a community thing .
People who argue incessantly about politics - it becomes oh so tedious!
Oo blasphemy @Bathsheba I posted a dedicated thread about D&B here: Introduction to Drum & Bass
However I also wanted to comment about people blasting it in cars - part of the reason is that if you have a nice sound system almost nothing sounds as good as D&B, you feel a part of it because of the attention to detail in production standards (esp the lower frequencies which are often neglected in other genres) but in terms of why they have they window open, I would guess for two reasons: because they want to share their love of it, or because they just want attention… which most people tend to want these days
And to answer the OP…
Things I dislike more and more as I get older are:
Greedy people or those that exploit others for money - those who have more than enough but want even more (yep, that 1% or 10% who own 90% of the world’s wealth and resources
Bigots of any kind. Racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc Why can’t people just live n let live
Nasty people who take great pleasure in hurting others or making others feel like crap. Why can’t people just be nice?
Politicians who are supposed to be fighting for people, yet they do bugger all! Like why isn’t almost every MP in this country proposing a law to disallow profiteering in times of a national or global crisis!? They are complicit by standing by and doing nothing and just as bad as the perpetrators!!
Probably a lot more to add on to that list
Noise, like D&B,which is pretending to be music
I listened some of the young musicians of the year stuff last week. It’s pretty obvious that some contestants had chosen extremely obscure and unmusical cacophanies of noise solely because nobody else will know how they’re actually meant to be played, nor whether a load of bum notes had been hit.
Shopping. Not that I ever liked it.
Not even Woolworths?
I thought it had closed in UK some years ago.
modern-day music
Sweets. Most chocolate tastes foul these days. I have a pretty healthy diet, so maybe its a sugar thing, but anything sweet just doesn’t taste properly.
Sadly yes !
Homemade bonfire toffee, no chocolate but sugar aplenty!
omg, my teeth are shivering as I read that!
Oh it’s only once a year
Being treated like an idiot and being spoken to loudly and slowly as though I cannot be expected to understand either the question or what is going on.
I have an inoperable heart condition, it is going to kill me.
Nobody beats death, we all die.
I can cope with that, it has advantages, I am not walking round with an undiagnosed heart condition which could cause me to drop down dead with cardiac arrest suddenly.
I have an armoury of stuff to monitor my condition and know the warnings and take the drugs to stop that happening.
I am 70, that does not mean that I am stupid, nor does it mean I should be treated like one.
I hate people boasting on and on about their children / grandchildren.
FGS a give it a rest get a hobby .
Doesn’t have anyone have a criminal / layabout / unsuccessful grandchild these days ?