Well, l Didn’t Know This About Oxo. Did You?


mart, Just when l thought the site was becoming boringly serious, you post a gem like this.

Like Katerina, l loved it. So funny!

You sound like me!!..:lol::lol::lol:

ST, The clip re Vegetable Oxo cubes you asked if we had seen, did not come up on the YouTube clip l posted, so l googled it.
If it was the same one by Mark Harries, then that is bad. Food Manufacturers should respect the beliefs of Vegetarians and Vegans.

That’s true Arty, and we never had youtube either. I’ve learnt to do things I didn’t know were possible with the benefit of youtube…:smiley: And I’ve learnt to do some things I wished I hadn’t on youtube…:blush:

Look people, I’m sorry to say this but come on! :102:
44 posts and counting about a poxy Oxo cube and it’s glorious merits? It’s no wonder this forum is just about dead in the (gravy) water.
What’s next? 25 cheese and onion crisps instead of the usual 27 in a packet of walkers? An in depth guide to the correct procedure of opening a box of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes (250g version)?
Artangel, you can do better than this, we have not given up with our faith in believing you will be back to your best “!!!”'s very soon.
Sleep well if you can and don’t worry about the impending doom of the “Invasion of the Stock Cube Monsters”! :lol::lol:

Oh, Why don’t you just shove off. Who do you think you are lately.
All you do is criticise and moan. It is you that is driving people away

Understanding light-hearted humour isn’t your strong point is it Art? Do you honestly think I am being serious and having a go at you over Oxo cubes?
You really need to get out more. For God’s sake woman get a life and stop being so sensitive!! :102::102:

You rant on at everyone about going off thread and disrupting them. Yet you are the worst culprit.

You insult decent members and tell the rest of us how, stupid and elderly we are.
I can’t be silent any longer. Enough is Enough.

Go to bed, Artangel. Nighty night. A nice hot mug of Oxo will send you off to sleep.
We’ll all be happier in the morning. At least I will as it’s my birthday and you’ll be pleased to know I won’t be as grumpy as you. :hug:

She’s right, you’ve been Mr Negative for a while now, not to mention Mr Sorry for myself.

Interesting, but this has never actually crossed my mind.

I have a wife to do that sort of thing.

I ve being doing it like that for a long time, I can’t remem6 how I found out though. It’s do much easier

Indeed - it seems that forum members have to to endure the flouncing, posturing and ranting of Mr Narcissus.

That’s the one, Artangel. I am surprised the ‘trade descriptions’ police haven’t jumped all over them.

Imagine veggies/vegans buying them believing them to be meat free?

I’ll give it a try next time I use one :slight_smile:

You won’t be disappointed … :smiley:

That would be another way of opening them I suppose.

It’s best if we place each other on ignore Art I think? That’s better for both of us. better for you because you won’t need to worry about being traumatised by anything approaching humour and better for me as I won’t need to converse with someone who lives in an internet bubble. Hugs and kisses :hug:

Keep doing what you’re doing Arty, I quite like these light hearted topics, it makes a change from Brexit and Breastfeeding…:smiley:

[SIZE=“1”]Foxy ducks out before anyone reads this…[/SIZE]