Well, l Didn’t Know This About Oxo. Did You?

No no! Knorr cubes are definitely up-market. :smiley:

…so remember where you heard it first


:lol: d00d, I suppose my reply was a bit ambiguous! :lol:

I nearly always use the ‘Kallo’ organic stock cubes.

Who would think of making a video on how to crumble an Oxo cube?
They must lead an exciting life. :lol:

Doesn’t this just go to show there’s more than one way of doing something that will achieve the same result! :wink: :slight_smile:

I have to give it to You Tube, there’s not much that cannot be found on there! Only yesterday I needed to know how to change the battery in the car key fob but not pay a small fortune to the VW dealer to do it. Checked it out and sure enough it’s on there, cost of the battery £2.00, dealer charge probably 10 minutes’ labour at £90.00+ per hour – £15.00+! :shock:

Thanks You Tube! :slight_smile: :smiley:

I’ve been an OXO crumbler for I don’t know how many years and never had a messy problem with them.

I think I’ll give the sachet a try just to see what it’s like!

Good heavens!! And golly gosh almighty!!!
I didn’t know that either!!!
I’ll sleep so much better tonight knowing this extraordinary fact about Oxo cubes :shock: :shock: :shock:

I do not use stock cubes anyway, but I would not change the way I did something just because someone else said I should!:slight_smile:

It’s been viewed over 53000 times

Not so much YouTube as YouCube. :slight_smile:

I am loving this!

Really? I never knew sweaters could do that!!:-D:-D

[SIZE=“2”]Sorry, Omah, couldn’t resist![/SIZE]:smiley:

Did anyone watch the second clip - about Vegetable Oxo cubes containing animal products? I am not a vegetarian but, if I were, I would find that outrageous!

The things that sweaters have uses for is, as yet, beyond the wit of man … :wink:

And you are a good sport!:-D:-D

I hope so … :smiley:

Here’s a sweater wearing Francoise Hardy … :cool:


Hello - and welcome to OFF Katerina.:smiley: I bet you never knew Oxo cubes could be such fun!!

Gosh - I haven’t heard of her for years - she had a good voice - or was that the sweater?:smiley:

The lovely Francoise was good at everything without even trying … :smiley:

This is true Silver Tabby. :slight_smile: Thank you for your kind welcome.