Very first recording with my new Camcorder

Thank you so much for your offer of help.
Can I ask you how you edit your videos?
Currently I am attempting to use youtube editor. Though so far it is hit and miss.
I have only edited 3 videos so far.
This morning’s edit did not go as easily as my previous effort.


Didn’t you try Shotcut?

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You won’t go far wrong with Adobe PremierElements. I am used to it. but you might need a little time to find out what it can do and how to use it.
What I like is joining up clips- fading in/out btween clips -adding rolling titles etc etc
it may not look much at first glance but it is a very poweful tool to have

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what I have done is get hold of a bluetooth dongle and plugged it into the earphone port on the camcorder. Now wearing bluetooth headphones means I am no longer tethered to the camcorder with an audio lead

The other from the rocker switch plugs into the remote socket which I don’t think yours has

there is a slight sound delay but that is all, but a great way to do a sound check by yourself at a distance

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another bit of kit for you would well be worth getting is a screen hood

best way to stop reflections on the screen, or in sunny days, just check screen size first . JJC cmpany make them and well worth the money


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Not as yet. Looks rather complicated for my level of technical non-expertise

There’s a whole heap of info in this thread - saves rewriting it. The link is somewhere in the middle of the thread because I bookmarked it

I was a bit taken aback as to how big the VXF1 was in comparison to my previous camcorders


this might help

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Damn and Blast.
I set up the camcorder and recorded a family of Galahs.
Mum and Dad feeding their baby chick. Great view through the lens. When the feeding had stopped, I paused the recorder, only to discover that the whole time the recording was on pause.
Missed that one. The opportunity will arise again.

It is the best way to learn by making mistakes. Nice to see at least you are trying Bretrick. Mine is forgetting to switch on the microphone. The two most common errors are forgetting to put in the memory card or forgetting the battery

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It was the perfect situation. I have videoed Corellas feeding their young. First time I have had the opportunity of Galahs feeding present itself and unfortunately I muffed it. :slightly_smiling_face:

My most common mistake is to forget to check the settings. The number of times i have done that!!!

fun with editing

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I have forgotten to insert the memory card several times with my original camera. Great shots missed because of silly mistakes. Not charging battery each time.

Wow, there is a lot of learning to accomplish that one.

I often use this to help steady the camcorder

home made and well worth the £10 or so to male. It is only a double tripod bar and an old grip. the difference it makes when walking you would not believe, Oh and I do number the batteries

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also done with my editing suite

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Truly excellent work.

you will be able to do the same or better once you get used to working with videos and editing

Bretrick this might be of interest

from the bottom up
this might be of interest to you
1= moman tripod base
2 = Sirui SL-200 extendable arm
3 = Manfrotto befree tripod head with built in ball head
4 = Handle with Bluetooth dongle (Held in place with 3m sticky)
4a = Lanc wired remote control
5 = Panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder
6 = VW-HU1 handle
7 = Azden SMX-30V microphone

first time I have uploaded a video with new Adobe premier elements 2025 directly from this editing suite. got a bit yet to learn