Very first recording with my new Camcorder

thank you bruce, there is nothing in the 1500 camcorder manual about connecting to a car for charging.

I just completed a test comparing the original cable and the new cable using the same USB charger.

The original cable consistently charged at 1.25A. The new substitute cable at 0.65A so the new cable obviously has thinner wires than the original (actually that is visibly true) but none the less will charge the camera, it will just take longer. However that is not usually a problem and certainly better than nothing.

Quite pleased.

I had an interweb search and nothing showed up for the pana HC-X1500. But I am not over worried as I have 3 batteries which would last for well over a day. For the time being no long holidays so no need for plugging into a car. I also have a seperate charger so one on charge while using others.

I had assumed it was the same system as the VXF1 but, of course, don’t actually know.

Thank you for the info. My camcorder came with a charger that can plug into the car or AC.

Yours and mine are the same camera. Having a spare USB lead might be handy especially when travelling.


I have just noticed that I paid $11.40 for the two leads but the ad now says $12.95 - Inflation at work

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I was thinking about buying a spare battery as well.
If battery ran out whilst filming that would not be the best. Your thoughts?

I bought a couple of generic batteries (one larger capacity) from Better Batt last November.

They seem OK to work just fine and are much cheaper than the official Panasonic ones.


Being belt and braces type of guy I will keep the new cable in the car and one in the camper - just in case.

I bought one of each

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definately get a couple of spare batteries Bretrick, get them with the highest mAh price depends a lot on this

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Thank you for this. I will definitely buy another one.
I am new to all this, please explain - mAh?

look on the bottom of your battery

above shows tha panasonic battery with 5900 mAh

In the context of batteries, “mAh” stands for milliampere-hour and is a unit of electrical charge that measures a battery’s capacity, indicating how much current it can supply over a specific period, essentially reflecting how long it can power a device.
whils in the buying mood might be an idea to get a seperate chargeras well. I got third party one so I always have spare fully charged beattery

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Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have you trid panning from side to side yet? there is a little trick to it. If you pan too fast everything gets blurred . so the trick is to pan very slowely. So how do you do this? simple
Looking at the camcorder screen an object from one side to the other should take at least 9 seconds. By this method your panning should be slow enough

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I am getting better at panning. I remembered you telling me this earlier.
I was at a water ski park following skiers, message came on screen, panning too fast. Next one I done better.
Hand held videoing.
Practice, practice, practice

Maybe you want to video from indoors through an open window which I often do. So I after a lot of experimenting came up with this.
With any tripod first thing to think about is payload (what the tripod can support weight wise)

base is my MOMan small enought to fit on a window sill
extendable extn on that is a SIRUI SL-200 giving variable height
the head is a Manfrotto befree MVH400AH ( easy tilt and side movement controlled by knobs)
this may Be different for you but on the arm I added a stop /start/zoom (red button) and a bluetooth dongle for bLuetooth headphones . this frees me up from being tethered to this rig.

Next is dealing with sound. One issue I constantly came upon was either wanted direction sound and then stereo sound. this ment two microphones. Bo**cks to that , I have had so many mikes you would not believe. from really tinny reproduction to cables breaking and scrapping the mic .
So eventually got the AZden SMX-30v and what a beauty it is ( not that cheaput well worth it. Big definately- get noticed certainly- attract attention -attacts the crowds. Replacable sound cable is worth its weight in gold.
with deadcat on (wind muffler)

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I guess by now you can see why I prefer shooting videos to stills. Nothing wrong with stills but with video you can put the viewer right in there with you
Capturing movementand associated sound takes time - editing with fadein/out between clips make it look more professional

These gadgets are a little down the track for me.
Lots to look forward to.

Don’t get too carried away with the numbers.It is just an indication of capacity ie filming time.

The battery supplied with the camera was 1950mAh so you have a good idea how that performs.- ie how long it lasts, does it suit your needs?

The two I bought from Better Batts were 1780mAh and 3560mAh The former similar to the one supplied with the camera the latter nearly twice the capacity but also about twice as big

Size is an issue - the bigger the capacity the bigger the battery -the more it sticks out from the back of the camera.

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Glad your enjoying your camcorder, bit different from using a camera. editing is more intersting as well when you get into it

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