Vapours on Prescription

I was just pointing out that if they can spend so much on cigarettes, even when they are so expensive, why can’t they buy their own vapes?

Things ain’t always Black and White, it is possible to smoke (as in the original post) 30 per day but not be addicted, someone might smoke say 10 per day and be absolutely addicted, in these cases, it has nothing to do with the chemicals contained within the tobacco Imo, so vaping would be a good substitute for these folks.

Well nobody is stopping them buying vapes! I allow myself one bottle of wine each week, but I don’t expect the NHS to provide it!

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I agree, should be means tested.

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So why can smokers afford 13 quid a pack for ciggies but can’t afford much cheaper products to help them stop? :thinking:

As others have said, if you want to stop smoking you just have to stop smoking, simples…:+1:

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My thoughts too Barry?
I have always thought that if nicotine is so addictive why do we not have similar effects to drug addiction when we try to stop?
I have known dozens of people who stopped smoking and had no ill effects. Aren’t people just expecting others to get rid of a bad habit that they chose?
Good heavens, I wonder if we will all get low calorie foods on the NHS ,when they realize that overeating creates higher medical costs & give us prescriptions for food that makes us put less weight on!

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I’ll drink to that!

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Yes, of course, you are right. And, depending on how much liquid would be prescribed, the cost would be about the same. I have used E-cigs on and off, and a 100 ml bottle of liquid costing £10 lasted me about two weeks. That is slightly more than the prescription charge. So perhaps I should state my opinion as being that I don’t object in priciple to E liquid being available on prescription, but in practice it doesn’t make much sense.

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Pour one for me Bruce! :laughing:

So do I, Twink, but I always buy two and drink the second one without permission. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Another thing that upsets me is, that Women who are under the age of 46 and can’t get pregnant, can have 3 lots of IVF treatment for free.

I do not have children because I was unable to conceive, I went for IVF treatment in 1982 and had to pay £1,000.00 and it still didn’t work, I was not offered free treatment.

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Well give it a few days before you have the second one, Mags was poorly for a few days after her booster & I am sure alcohol wont make you feel any better!

But wouldn’t you have had 3 lots for free had it been offered to you, susie?

I don’t know about that Harbal, after all, its not a serious medical thing, is it?

Not in a physical sense, but it does seem to cause some people a lot of mental anguish. It isn’t a debate I would want to get myself into, to be honest. It is more a moral issue than a medical one.

I desperately wanted children Harbal, but nothing happened, it did upset me that my friends were all pregnant and not me, but I got over it.

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Flippin’ 'eck Harbal, that’s cheap. We pay £9.99 for 10ml. Where did you buy you liquid from?

Aww…Susie, that’s sad. I know time has moved on and you’ve moved on from the hurt, but it will be still there inside, the unfairness of it all :slightly_frowning_face:

I thinks it’s too easy for ex-smokers and non-smokers to be judgemental and scathing about why people still smoke when they’ve managed to give up or have never smoked. And truly, well done to them.

However, I feel they can’t, or won’t, understand how much of a ‘prop’ or ‘crutch’ it is for some smokers if they’re going through bad stuff in their lives or mentally unwell. Maybe they have nothing else to keep them going. Whether they can afford it or not doesn’t come into it, especially if they’re too far down in their dark place. It’s their comfort.

I feel for those in their dark places who really struggle financially and their panic at the constant pressure to give up and the price rises of their ‘comfort’. The more a person stresses, the more they reach for their fags as any smoker knows.

If it’s getting too expensive to afford them and they’re desperate for that comfort, then the next step is surely resorting to cheap alcohol or drugs, if they’re not already into them.

Whether turning to vaping or being prescribed vaping will help them come off the fags, I’m not sure it will. They probably wouldn’t be able to find the strength or mind set to even think about it.

But for the average smoker who works, owns a car, house and mortgage, enjoy holidays every year or life is just hunky dory with no financial worries being prescribed vaping? That’s a definite no from me.

Agreed 100%!! :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

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