Vapours on Prescription

Speaking of which, guess what I’m enjoying right now :kissing_closed_eyes:


Good for you Minx! Enjoy… :wine_glass:

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It’s the weekend Baby!!!



When I checked today on the Tesco website, I had to really study the page becaues I could not believe the price charged today.
When I stopped smoking (I had to because of the work position I was offered), I last paid £1 for my Rothmans + a book of matches. Although that was many years ago, the price hike was unbelievable at today’s price. Little wonder so many have stopped smoking or are about to stop.

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An expensive Havana cigar? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Truthfully, even after all this time I still miss it, and if smoking hadn’t been banned in pubs and restaurants I might have caved.

I tend to think now, that if I managed not to smoke after sitting by my Dad’s bedside for the last two nights of his life, I can manage anything that life throws at me without a fag.

I’ve got no vices now … not a single one. :cry:
I’ve never liked booze … I don’t like how it alters the state of mind or mood or encourages lack of self control.

I want a bad habit. :cry:

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You’re here aren’t you?

You are indulging in one right now. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah, you’ve got to have a bottle or more to have that kind of experience. My frolics with alcohol are limited to one perhaps two on the rare occasion. I think with all things in life, moderation is key.

How about you try your hand at gaming then :023:

I can’t agree with you on that! People who smoke never seem to worry about how much they spend on cigarettes… and most of that is tax!
If they want to stop smoking they could pay for their own vaping liquid and save the money they spend on cigarettes.

I dont think anybody is saying that smokers wont get care for heart disease or lung cancer, so if the smoker really wants to stop smoking they should do what other smokers have done and buy their own vapes. They have been told for years that smoking can seriously damage your health, so I think wanting to be healthy should be enough to encourage them, and who is to say that that they wont carry on smoking fags and let others have their vaping liquid?

Nevertheless, I can assure you most of them do. How could they not, considering the price of them?

I did … for the simple reason that I couldn’t justify spending that kind of money on tobacco when there was bills to be paid and food to be bought … but I still spent the money on fags.
It’s what smokers do.

Then why cant they buy vapes?
Sadly smoking becomes a way of life, but the only person who can change that is yourself, no matter how many distractions the NHS offer. The only person who can help you stop is yourself, and I am speaking from personal experience!

Nope :innocent:

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A bit off topic … but tell you what I have just found out.

The current age to qualify for free prescriptions is 60.
The government plan to raise it in line with the Pension Age.
Damn! I’m 60 next year.

Thinking back to before I turned 60, there was something along the lines of an annual prepayment ticket where I paid a fixed fee and received all of my scripts for a full year. Considering I had several scripted items on a monthly basis, that method saved me a considerable amount of money

EDIT to add link Get a prescription prepayment certificate - GOV.UK (

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Sorry, Twink, you haven’t quoted me, so I don’t know what you are responding to.

Quite right … but you sound like you don’t approve of any aids to help smokers kick the habit?
I’m probably mistaken.

Good on them, vaping is just another attempt by big tobacco to bypass anti smoking legislation. They have already taken action here.

Since Friday 1 October 2021, all nicotine vaping products – including nicotine e-cigarettes, nicotine pods and liquid nicotine – can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription. This includes both in Australia and from overseas.

I understand that now only 12% of the population in Australia still smokes tobacco, a big change from when most of the male population did. Suck on that big tobacco. Dirty filthy habit, (I gave up in 1983)

In truth Morti, I would like everybody to stop smoking for their own benefit. I have spoken to many people at my cancer hospital who stopped smoking when they knew they had cancer, but that is sometimes too late. :icon_sad:
I believe that the best aid would be to show teenagers, at school, the damage smoking can do to their bodies before they get hooked on nicotine.
I can’t think of a better way to stop people smoking than to convince them that if they do it is likely to kill them. Adding excessive tax to cigarettes won’t stop them, but showing people the lungs of smokers probably would . The lung damage can clear in 10 years of not smoking, so the sooner you stop the habit the less damage is done… and none of us can survive without breathing.
I know 10 people who used vapes but have still gone back to cigarettes, so isn’t this just the NHS trying to cut the cost of caring for smokers, but yet again failing! :rage: