US Election 2024 antics

Was there ever any thing new in politics?

Maybe more new to me being from the UK

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This seems like accurate commentary on the coming US election - predicting that Biden’s likely focus on the need for the US to remain a global player won’t land well with American voters. Whereas Trump’s claims that he can solve major foreign issues with a phone call or similar will resonate with increasingly isolationist Americans.

I was reminded of this when I happened across a copy of The Times from 2018. The headline read “Fears of Trump deal with Putin”. This was about dropping post-Crimea sanctions and of course pre-dated and predicted the invasion of Ukraine. There is no doubt in my mind that if he is president, Trump will hand Ukraine and the Baltic states to Putin.

Charges against the ex-president will almost certainly be dropped if Trump wins the election in November without a trial having concluded before then. The Supreme Court currently has a clear conservative 6-3 majority, including three justices who were appointed by Trump.

No surprises there then

This is Trump level of idiocy.
Thanks to his unwavering support of Israel we can see people starving to death in front of us.It’s a pity he didn’t choke on his ice cream

Looks like Trump might be the GOP candidate for 2024.

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Maybe not as easy as it sounds. People had to take massive drugs just to work with Trump. Getting people to coordinate when everyone is on drugs maybe not so easy as it sounds.

It is surely not a surprise that working in the Trump administration was chaotic and stressful. But Steve Bannon is already claiming that hundreds of candidates have been recruited and “trained”. So I’m pessimistic on this issue.

Trained and recruited to do what? In order for anyone to have any influence in the government, they’d have to work in the government. I’m doubtful that Bannon has influence over hundreds of people in the government.

Also, will Trump be taking advice from Bannon? They fell out in Trump’s first year, and Bannon is appealing a contempt of court charge. If anything does happen from that, it doesn’t sound very coordinated.

We are coming to a crossroads in US politics, and 2024 will be a pivotal election year. The real problem is moderate candidates (Left or Right) are not stepping forward , it appears we will be stuck with a rerun of 2020, Trump / Biden, 2 candidates supported / driven by extremist elements of their party, another “elect one to keep the other out” election, one a convicted criminal who belongs in prison, the other a senile current “sitting” President better suited for a nursing home, either way you look at it, both better suited for an institution than the Oval Office.


What happened?I thought Obama’s eight years was a reasonably prosperous time for everyone.But there seems to be so much hatred for the establishment by ordinary people.


Here’s a chart that might be illustrative. Real income is decreasing while income inequality is increasing from


I can’t vote for either of the old Fools (crooks). Sure, it’s a younger person. Certainly not their vice POTUS choices. Thats a finished deal.

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Interesting chart.

It is interesting - shows that post 2008 recession average wages grew significantly until the pandemic. Whatever Obama put in place worked well.
However a parallel chart that tracks wealth divergence (poorest to richest) would also be interesting. If 75k (roughly £55k) is the average household income there must be many tens of millions living on not very much at all - given that the immensely wealthy will be pulling this median figure to the right. That is not the sign of a healthy nation.

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A. Would you go if you knew how hot it was going to be?
B Would you hold the event if you knew how hot it was going to be?
I presume they have weather forecasts in the USA

Well Michael Moseley and millions more chose very hot holiday locations. Tour operators and Airlines don’t cease operations to these hot hot places.

Adults can choose whether they wish to go to a hot rally or concert or even desert drive

If Orange man is bad for a hot rally, then logically all concerts and festivals in hot conditions must also reflect bad human s

From NZ to Canada, France and Netherlands, the left and right are irreconcilable.

I saw a debate with a Swiss expert arguing Europeans feel no matter which main Partys are in power, a cosy Establishment prevails, effectively governing via the institutions these metropolitan liberals dominate.

Therefore people are turning to what liberals deem to call populists.

People aren’t conned by populists, they are knowingly voting for alternative approaches to grievances

An example of Establishment progressives wealding power over democratic mandates, was ECHR judged the Swiss Govt was unlawful to try a less intrusive approach to net zero.

Today Hungary was fined €200 million by the EU.
Over-reach by the cosy smug progressive elites that control the permanent institutions is at odds with peoples democracy.

At the weekend the FT summarised the EU elections as a significant lurch to populism. Macron and Belgian PM called snap elections.

Unless smug permanent progressive elites allow the will of citizens to be uppermost, we can expect many more farmers protests and populist revolts.

Progressives can either stop hoardibg power or carry on as they are

9 years of Left Liberal Governance of Canada has resulted in the OECD forecasting 30 yrs of bottom wrung economic performance for Canada.

Despite huge land mass, Canada has the highest housing costs in the G20.

All liberals frame themselves as logical and compassionate but I’m afraid they are so self -righteous that they never consider they might be wrong.

The incoming Canadian leader is a populist

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What’s the opposite of a progressive? Well obviously a regressive.