UK heatwave: Temperatures rise to 31.8C and could climb further

God bless whoever invented Kaftans!

Demis Roussos?

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My earlier comment about it being cooler today has been shot down in flames it seems. Even the storm due to arrive midday has been postponed till 3pm. Re the opening the loft hatch, take care, I have a wasp nest up there and i’m sure they would just love an escape route into a cooler (slightly) area.

Same here EZ, it’s still 30 C and feels a lot warmer than that, although I did manage some running while out on my walk today.
@Omah get yerself out there you wuss…

I’ll let you know in the morning Tabby, I’m scheduled for a 15 mile fast bike ride…Fast for me anyway…

That’s just the weather your looking at Bruce and not the climate…The weather is sometimes unpredictable regardless of how many models you look at on somebody’s computer. It often throws a curved ball and catches everybody out…


Hot, Humid, and horrible here!

21c here, nice and fresh, like to see the sun again though .

It’s 21°C and cloudy here too at the moment. With a fairly gentle breeze blowing, it’s rather pleasant.

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Still waiting on the threatened storm. First told it would arrive around midday, then 3pm. No more updates yet. Midnight? Not at all? Your guess is as good as mine

I’m with you. I decided to put the sprinkler. If it rains so be it.

Ok so no storm at all, not even a drop of rain. With all this modern technology, satellite systems etc how can “they” get things so wrong??

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It’s an English Summer, EZ, and when were they they ever predictable?

I don’t know how it works.
The BBC didn’t guarantee any storm in the forecast, I think it was 58% chance of thundery showers yesterday if I remember correctly. Tomorrow there is a 68% chance of thundery showers at 15.00 in my part of the world although I wouldn’t put money on it.

We really do need that rain regardless!

24°C in my office as I type this and it’s driech outside.

We certainly do, Chilli.
Not only for our gardens, but for the reservoirs and crops too.

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No rain here until the weekend, thankfully…but I must say it’s quite a warm 20°C now.

No rain here now after this mornings trickle. No rain scheduled anywhere in the future either, it’s a good job all our water comes from boreholes.

Rain forcast for here in late afternoon. Might have to take my clothes off and dance on the drive!

Second thoughts - that might frighten it away.


Well I woke up to some light rain this morning. This is mildly annoying because they said no rain would happen until the weekend. So what’s going on? Are they making it up?? :zipper_mouth_face: