Two billion people in the world are over 50

It’s that animal loving man ( forgotten his name ) so I’m sure they would not shot it .it either gave up or the scared it off with a flare or something .

I expect you’re right, Muddy.
Buit what a pity the film stopped at that moment. I’d have liked to see what they did about the bear attack.

Gordon something or other Muddy…:017:

Polar Bear Steaks anyone? I’ve just come by some off the back of a lorry…:smiley:

Is it Buchanan, Foxy?

Ah yes…That’s the fellow Mups…Good on yer…I would have been thinking about him for the rest of the day…:confused:

I’ve never really looked at running as exercise and keeping fit, it’s more a way of life. I initially went out running to cure a hangover and discovered that I loved running. I found that if I went out on a regular basis I could run further and faster, and with my love of the wide open spaces I would go up to the fells and moors and just run on my own.

It wasn’t long before I got noticed and it was suggested I tried my hand at fell running. I took to it like a duck to water, and enjoyed the camaraderie, this led to even more running.

So these days I’m lost if I don’t go out for a run and over the years it’s helped me in other areas of my life. I’ve been fit enough to do manual stuff, I can eat anything I want without putting on weight - I weigh just about the same now as I did when I left school, it’s just distributed differently…:cool:

But mostly I like the ‘Me Time’ it gives when I’m out on the trail, many a problem has been resolved while jogging along. The speed has declined along with the distance but it’s like brushing your teeth, shaving or going to the toilet, just something that needs doing regularly…

Well done, Wayleron. Good to see you’re still keeping yourself active. :cool:

Thanks Floydy, hope you’re well.

Bit of pain from my op but I’m getting there mate, thanks. :slight_smile:

It can’t be easy recovering from an op Floydy, particularly when you have been so active. I’m recovering from a nasty hand injury and I think I have turned the corner, but it’s so frustrating to have to wait. My first few days without constant pain. I hope you are pain free soon too. It’s such a literal pain when you forget that you are not quite healed. At least for me things feel ok and then I move things in the wrong way by accident and - ouch!

But our ability to heal is amazing, the other day I thought my finger was falling off :slight_smile: (it’s still there).

I hope you heal well and that you are more patient than me. I hate having to wait.

Thank you, Annie. Please see PM :cool:

*Edit…I don’t mean Boris! :confused:

This is funny

Very good :slight_smile: