One or two it really does not matter as they still chose to remain anonymous?
She did mention that he was a Tory though?
The one receiving the call was the first member.
The other member was the one who reported it, and, by a process of elimination, could well have been the one who leaked it.
How else do we all know about it?
There’s 56 investigations underway altogether. Including 3 Tory ministers and 2 shadow ministers.
We don’t know the names of any of the 56 or who the complainants are either.
The Prime Minister was told 56 MPs, including three members of his own Cabinet (1), are currently under investigation by the House of Commons for sexual misconduct. The names of those under investigation were not given to MPs.
Boris Johnson was given the update by the Green MP Caroline Lucas in the Commons chamber this afternoon.
(1) Current Cabinet of the United Kingdom
Perhaps we should organise a sweepstake …
Forget the Conspiracy Stuff.
It was a female serving Conservative Minister who reported him.
He was next to her on the Conservative Benches.
He is not a new Tory MP, there is a hierarchy in the Commons, the newer you are the further back you sit.
It is up to Boris to decide what happens to him.
Yup and some of those 56 MPs will be Labour MPs and two of them are shadow cabinet ministers.
As there are more Tory MPs than there are Labour by a long way I would say in all probability there are probably more Tory than Labour.
I would say in all probability they are mostly Tory …
Could be, seeing that the MPs are “mostly Tory”.
Neil Parish, the Conservative MP for Tiverton and Honiton, has had the Conservative whip removed while he is being investigated for allegedly watching pornography in the Commons chamber, a spokeswoman for the Tory chief whip has said.
A spokesperson for the chief whip, Chris Heaton-Harris, said Parish was reporting himself to the Standards committee of the House of Commons.
We now know the who …
Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he …
Is it only me who saw the funny side of this…
It could have been worse…He could have been caught watching re-runs of ‘Pride and Prejudice’…
By mistake!!!
Yes not once but twice.
I note he did not give details on how this ‘mistake’ would have happened.
Compared with the scandalous behaviour of ALL of the Conservative Front Bench, especially Doris, watching porn is trivial. Bit pointless really, if he felt the need to see genitalia in action all he needed to do would be just look around. Both Houses are full of both forms.
Trouble is, right or wrong, accident or deliberate, we have to look forward to the Lefties combing every source for whatever amounts to sleeze, true or false, for the next couple of years to the election.
Every slight suggestion will be posted on the Forums of the world.
But none of the ones which are about the Labour Party!
Well I believe that a period of Labour government is now essential as part of what must be done to cleanse the Conservative party - and I NEVER thought that I would feel this way.
I think you’ll find that the the PM, his government, his ministers and several of his MPs have all broken the law in some way or other.
Not a good record - although the PM, personally, has not been branded a criminal.
The corruption and incompetence of BJ’s government in dealing with COVID is a matter of record even before an investigation has revealed the full extent of the shambles.
There is no doubt that there are more disclosures of Tory “dirty deeds” to come …
Especially this one.