To Pierce, or Not to Pierce: That is the Question

I had mine done when I was about 17. My daughter wanted hers done when she was about 13 and I told her that she could not, whilst she was still at school. She came home one afternoon having had them done in the local jewellers. She had saved her pocket money to pay for them. Her response to me was. “There’s nothing you can do about it”.

My solicitor grandson has one ear pierced, plus he has tatoos.

Can’t remember when I had mine done, might have been middle 20s.

Can’t remember how long ago I stopped wearing them either. :slight_smile: Thought the holes would’ve healed up - I’m talking years when I last wore them.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I fancied wearing them for going out. I was convinced the holes would have healed up and dreaded trying to find the holes again. (I remember there was always this sort of pain in my right hip area if I got couldn’t find the hole :-D)

To my amazement, I found the holes and they went in easily. I was really chuffed. Doesn’t take much to make me happy :-p

These aren’t the dark ages anymore (apparently :slight_smile: ), they use those little gun things now for ears. I did watch a program where a girl/young woman was having her nipples pierced and the skin up her spine pierced at regular intervals so she could but sleeper rings in. Some strange people about ;). Anyhow, the tool they used was a bloody great big needle akin to a knitting needle. I don’t know about her, but when they stuck that needle into her nipples and forced it through I could almost feel the pain for her.

Oh God, that is horrible.
Mind you, perhaps even worse, are the ones who have their genitals pierced!

It’s 2018 - skip the ears and go straight for the nipples or belly button! :slight_smile:

Dear Judd,


Just when I think I am sophisticated and worldly, something like this comes into my radar making me realize that in some ways I am still - and thankfully - grossly naive. :lol:

People who go to those levels of piercing have brain inflammation. I’m dead serious about that.

A “Prince Albert” may induce levels of local inflammation that exceed those of the brain …:103:

I know a couple of women who have their tongues pierced, and I´ve seen other with tongue piercings, I really don´t understand it and it freaks me out. Why on earth would anyone want to have their tongue pierced?


One of younger ones at work had her nipples pierced.

Then she fell pregnant and said that when she breast fed the milk was squirting out all over the place.

I had my first piercing done at the jewlers at sixteen and then a further one at thirty, again at the jewelers.

I have lots and lots of earnings both fashion and gold ones.
I always wear two pairs. Never without them.

Didja do it? :wink:

Mine have two piercings.

Yes, I howled, screamed, and shivered just before they started but I survived…
Ha, not really.

After signing three pages of legalese (more documents than required to buy a house), they popped the earrings into something akin to a stapler and it was done in a flash. I think they were tickled with some of the questions I asked being such a novice and all.

Actually, Ruthio, your avatar was a mark put on the “pro” side when making my decision. I do like the way yours looked.

Strange thing though, I still look 57 :lol:.

The stupidest thing I did in this process was make mention of this idea to some friends who have since given me an insufferable amount of grief for waiting so long - and who now refer to me as “The Piercing Virgin”.

I like my ears, but I need new friends.

I’m the only person I know who had their ears pierced twice and each time my ears swelled up and I had to let them heal over. It’s annoying because there are lovely earrings for pierced ears.

Alas I have given up now and I pay a fortune for clip ons.

Summer, you missed my post. I have two.:lol:

I’ve got 3 holes in each ear.

First ones were done when I was about 18, second ones…mid 20’s I think, and the third ones were done spur of the moment when I went with someone else who was having their first ones done and they got a bit nervous, so I had mine done first so they could see exactly what happened.

I have since let the third holes close as they are on a thin part of the lobe and earrings were uncomfortable to wear there.

I have studs in 1 pair of holes and hoops in the other. I very rarely change them (for rarely read never) and hardly ever take them out.

Had sleepers in for first 6 weeks until healed also known as starter earrings. These types of earrings are sturdy and gentle enough to remain comfortable in your ear for long periods of time, as these earrings must remain in your ear until the piercing heals. Because you have to wear these earrings while you sleep, they have earned the nickname “sleeper earrings.”

A favourite with all well heeled bank robbers…it was used in 95% of raids in the 70s:lol:


It’s time to change them for the first time, but can’t get the backs off the blasted things. Apparently this is common in new piercings.

My daughter is (rightly) laughing at me.

Pliers are next. :027:

We must be twins SP :shock::lol::smiley: