To Pierce, or Not to Pierce: That is the Question

This is why sleepers always used to be advised for the first six weeks, easily removed as the sleepers were always moving so there was no gumming up

Im actually looking for some nice sleepers again at the moment. It was this thread that made me realise I wasn’t wearing my earrings as much as I used to and Im having the trouble with gummy ears

Hi, Missy. Actually I figured out that the piercing gun had caused the post to bend, making the removal extraordinarily difficult.

I called out the National Guard, braced my feet against the wall, and had several soldiers pulled on the earring back. It finally came loose causing them to tumble backwards :lol:

Actually, gently working on it with tweezers, I finally loosened the blasted thing and then put on a looser fitting pair which I am keeping in until they bury me…or I have some event to go to, whichever comes first :mrgreen:

OMG I was on the bus today because my car is being repaired. There were two teenage girls discussing having their nipples pierced! I couldn’t believe it, not least because one of them was saying she has no nipples (probably because she is so young!)… Why oh why would any teen girl want to have a nipple piercing?!

My youngest son has his done when he was about sixteen and in relbelious mode.
He laughs about it now .
They soon healed over .

I have 3 holes in each ear also.

How are your ears feeling now Surfermom?
That sounded very painful. Pliers? Ouch :shock: