To Pierce, or Not to Pierce: That is the Question

I had my ears pierced when young. Sleepers (the little gold rings) are no longer used as a routine. Gold studs are a lot better - they are easy to sleep in and will not get caught up in anything and they look better. That is what will be recommended. Go to a “proper” ear piercer and you should have little trouble. It may be a little uncomfortable when it is being done, but really it was not half as bad as I was expecting. The gold studs went straight in and stayed in. I just had to bathe my ears and turn the studs regularly. Kept them in for about 6 weeks before changing to anything else. It must be gold posts IMO - and don’t try to wear anything heavy or dangly until you are comfortable and sure the holes are well healed. Don’t want any damage to the lobes. I have never worn anything but gold in my ears, although I know a lot of people use the surgical steel posts I think gold is best - unless you are allergic to gold.

Re: losing the ear-rings. That is always a risk. Make sure the backs are securely on and over the little nub on the post. That’s the best that can be done. I don’t bother taking mine in and out much, unless they are larger ear-rings and uncomfortable to lie on.

I had my done at 18 with a sort of gun thing its wasn’t too bad ( arghhhh)

Mine was done with one of those punches they use for putting holes in leather belts. The ear was sterilised with alcohol first and the hole made. In went a ferrule to keep the hole open while the jeweller got a sleeper ready. Surprisingly, no pain at all.

Oh my stars, Missy, I missed this. I am terribly sorry and must confess that sometimes I skim the posts too quickly. You would be the last person I would ignore!

I appreciate the advice and will definitely purchase some gold earrings for sleeping - if I decide to do this. I think the only thing that is holding me back is the practicality of it all.

The one time I can think of that I won’t wear them is when I am surfing, which is one of the reasons I waited. The force of the waves is tremendous when I wipe out…which I do with some frequency and ungainliness.

Please orgive my faux pas.:frowning:

Judd if they come at me with a leather punch tool, I am outta there. I have a paper punch at home I could use instead :lol:.

Aerolor thank you for the suggestions about the heavy and dangly earrings and gold. I am more likely just to wear posts as you described. It’s interesting because the method done here sounds identical except that they have shortened the replacement time to three weeks, which is somewhat surprising.

Mine were done the same way except at home with a couple of ice cubes to try to numb the earlobe. Needles are a bit thin mine were done with a safety pin and a cork!

I had two done in one ear, the holes are still visible though they have long sealed up.

More or less the same…except I was 16 and not at Bala.

I used a needle and cork as well as ice…big mistake.
My hands were wet and freezing and wouldn’t grip the needle so I had to get my sister to remove it.

The Masaai make use of their ear piercings, they put those little black film tubs in the holes in their ears, they keep their money in them. Quite sensible really, no pockets in their shukas. :smiley:

Nothing like a double entendre…


There was a young lady in Telford who was doing navel piercings for £5.

She used a frozen sausage to numb the area.

I was sure there was a limerick coming.

I don’t even know how to reply to this. What kind of planet are you all living on over there?:lol:

Having seen The Thomas Crown I will not allow this blasphemy.

Oh, I forgot to tell everyone I did it today!

Unfortunately, I still look like me though. :roll:

Lol! Double entendres are part of the James Bond repertoire, so we can let it pass…:wink:


All establishments who do piercings here in the UK have to be licensed and adhere to strict standards.

Unfortunately, there are some who are not and we have infections which have to traced down.

To put it in terms , it is the Trailer Park Syndrome.

Although there is a good choice of prettier earings for pierced ears, I have never had the guts to have mine done. Too late now.

When my hairdresser comes here, she always takes Nellie (my dog) onto her knee for a cuddle, and Nellie is fascinated by the sparkles and dangly earings, and always tries to nibble them off!

I had mine done at a jewellers when I was 19 but rarely wore earrings as my ears went red and swelled up! Even when l wore gold earrings!

When my son was about 15, he pierced one of his ears, himself! I went mad, as he looked a right, rough neck and he could’ve got blood poisoning!

We were due to have a family photo done at a studio and one each of the children on their own.
When it was my son’s turn to have his photo taken, he flatly refused to take the earring out.
I had to drag him outside and plead with him. He eventually took it out!!
With hindsight, l wonder if l was a bit harsh to make him take it out?!!

All of the Women in My Family (except My Mum) have had Their ears pierced,also My 2 Grandsons…I wonder when this became the fashion in Britain…anyone know?

Here you go May.

Thanks Loretta,a long history indeed including religious beliefs.

You are welcome May. The only thing I knew about earrings was that sailors, or pirates wore them in order that they always had some gold if they ran out of money.:lol: