Absolutely right Maree, I don’t think there will ever be a political party or politician that ticks all the boxes, but we must choose who we think will cause the least harm if we elect them.
I’m not suggesting that it is compulsory to declare your support of a particular candidate or party but as you say, most people are quite open about the parties or people they support, but some posters do nothing else but ridicule members about their political persuasions, and are too frightened to declare their own alliegencies for fear of being challenged…They like to do the challenging without being challenged. I sometimes feel like a naughty schoolboy being reprimanded by the teacher in some exchanges.
Indeed OGF, None must be on the ballot slip, the reason why it is not exactly the same as keeping the FPTP system; Conlabliars are kept in government and any change would see them both out for a long time. Just checked our constituency has 5, no Independent.
I try to be careful with my sarcasm and apply it only when a post or comment truly deserves it. The notion that anyone should stand as a candidate in order to be allowed to voice a criticism of a politician is definitely one of those absurd comments that deserves sarcasm.
Of course you started that particular post with what at face value seems a reasonable request. However, the more I thought about it the less I liked it. Hence my subsequent (sarcasm free) comments.
Now what surprises me is that you can’t discern which way my political preferences lie, given all my comments over many threads. But due to the constituency / FPTP voting structure I may vote tactically rather than for my primary preference. I mean even take the individual candidates and their apparent qualities into account if there is an outstanding local politician. So at this stage it is not possible to confirm anything other than that Farage’s candidate won’t get my vote.
We have all been deluded and continue to be delusional, how much evidence do we need. Maybe a global advert, wanted aspiring politicians to govern UK.
There really isn’t any place for sarcasm in a serious discussion - only those who are unsure of the validity of their opinion resort to it.
Whether Love Like or Loath Farage. With little other to choose.
He gets this qwerty’s vote. For no other reason, that he constructively. Says It. As it Is.
Notable In Brussels as a MEP, Fighting OUR Corner, As an Indigenous Patriot.
No Tugging at the PM’s coat tail. En Route to Cabinet Minister >> Peerage.
No Pussy Footing to Snr Civil Servants.
Expected to be impartial.But steeped in the blood of Old School,
Still furious of.Half being culled by Maggie.
And MP’s. Who wouldn’t dare cross swords with them.
Bring it on Nigel.
The Boat needs rocking. Before the UK sinks. Somewhere.‘Under’ Ireland!
This is what a huge number of people think about the toad, Farage
A small minority. Half the voters don’t bother voting, most of the rest don’t let toads get under their skin.
Yes and I really am out on a limb when even the word Bollitics is Uttered…I know one basic thing they tell porkies to feather the down…Lets at least find a person that can speak the truth and from that we at least have a start Post to work with…Who would you trust to put in that kind of power then?.. regardless of how rich or poor they are…
Open Poll
List of known Honest People…name at least one!
My List is Rather Outdated now…
People Known For Telling The Truth, The Truth, And Nothing But The Truth - Always
by fedor8 • Created 11 years ago • Modified 5 years ago
Honesty is a rare commodity these days, so when we do come across it we should admire and appreciate it. These people couldn’t tell a lie if they tried, so perfectly trained are they to be truthful.
I have decided not to include any politicians because everyone already knows that they always speak the truth.
This list will be gradually expanded, because there are so many truth-tellers out there. If you can offer me any suggestions, please do.
COMMENTS: The comments section changes introduced several years ago have basically ruined what used to be a fun interaction between list-maker and reader, hence I will be disabling comments on nearly all of my lists. (I said nearly: you’re free to spend an hour perusing my other lists to find one that does allow comments.) So if you want to let me know what you think, PM me.
Oh no, wait. They’ve disabled PMs. So I guess there is no way you can share your views of my lists and reviews with me. That’s called “progress”.
I’m literally spluttering into my Ovaltine. Serious discussion? We just had a post that put forward the idea that before someone comments on a politician they “stand themselves and see how much support they get”. And you view this as serious? You must do as you congratulated the poster on his (serious) comments. Strewth love, I’m keen to understand your ideas of comedy if that is your view of serious.
Any other ‘serious’ suggestions? Please, we all need a laugh these days.
Good grief - first sarcasm and now patronising comments, you really are short of something remotely interesting to add to the discussion. Just drink your Ovaltine it might help you to relax a bit.
Indeed. But Labour winning on July 4th will scuttle our last chance. Change written over their election bus, what they mean not clear. Change to fairer voting system not on their manifesto pledges. Resigned to more failure. Look at the shadow cabinet, none float my boat.
The “game” you describe sent shivers of horror down my spine!
It reminds me of the torture that the Khmer Rouge inflicted on so many people under their cruel regime - all those heart-rending photographs I saw in the “Killing Fields” museum in Cambodia - the “suspects” were strapped in and “questioned” in special electric chairs, which gave them electric shocks to make them do or say what their interrogators wanted - the chair even gave them a shock to their facial muscles to make them smile for the photograph their abusers took for their records before they killed them.
Who really runs government, it seems that politicians are cavaliers, signing off policies funded by the rich, bankers, entrepreneurs. The recent behaviour by some during this election campaign leads to one conclusion, the less well off will be destitute.
Labour will provide for some, as our present government is. Future voters?
Technology is moving on, but humans have not evolved much further than cavemen.
Lord of the flies.
What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?
I think I also mentioned that people should nail their colours to the mast and give us an indication of who they support, but you seem to have ‘cherry picked’ the parts of my post that were more favourable for ridicule.
So lets assume you were standing as a candidate Lincs. Not so much ‘ludicrous’ because many members have already described what their ideal candidates manifesto would include, including me. So what manifesto would make Lincs happy?
Technology is taking over from humans, I’m afraid that the human brain is being slowly abandoned, replaced by all that AI nonsense. A real shame. In the future, humans won’t even know what 2+2 is, without looking it up!
A good read Cinders, and an insight into what would happen if we allow chaos to reign…
That’s exactly why I think we need a Putin to stop silly demonstrations clogging up our capital city and get everyone out working instead of further education. We need proper manufacturing jobs instead of importing goods. Too many over qualified young folks with nothing to do these days. Idle hands and all that…
Be fair, as I explained on a previous post, I also added serious and not sarcastic response to the other points you raised. So yes, I did highlight one comment but I also took the other comments seriously. Even if I disagreed.
Fair enough Lincs…