These days. “Lying is Old Hat”
Pivotal and blatantly obvious, in the perpetrators, rapidly exposed Downfall.
Mass digital access, to Zealous Investigative Pundits and Research Journalists. Making Shure of that
“Double Entendre”. Being the revived Name of The Game
The tool readily available in the English language.
The likes of ‘David Davis’[“No-Men-Clature”.A Classic] Secretary of ‘State’.
A Maestro performer.
Holding the EU Spellbound [Interpreting into 27 languages] For 12+ months Pre Brexit.
Whilst Westminster got its Deviant Act Together.
ie. It could be One or Another!! But its not a Bare Faced Lie. :wink
The Immigrant Proclamations of. “Stay to Leave” OR “Leave to Stay”.
That Still flummoxes. Border Control. Immigrants considerably more.
Let’s ignore your suggestion that I stand as a candidate. But I’m happy to outline some of the stuff that a future government should, in my view, tackle. In no particular order:
increase spending, these 14 years of cuts have been crippling for the UK
address tax avoidance and tax benefits for the wealthy (e.g. capital gains tax is significantly lower than income tax for large gains, plus overseas tax avoidance, plus trusts)
introduce a wealth tax, many countries have this already
welcome immigration to address staffing issues but tighten access to benefits and health care (feels like its been a bit of a free for all and no other country is that generous)
re-introduce council house building
put pollution tax in all towns and cities (e.g. ULEZ)
nationalise water and rail, start building a more integrated public transport system
plan and invest for growth - limit ability of overseas firms to buy up UK businesses, especially tech start up businesses, have a strategy for supporting UK manufacturing
I could go on.
That Greyfox is a terrible thing to say…Putin is a cold blooded MURDERER so are you saying this because your so The Big Man now…or to Shock us as it is bliming Shocking that you BELIEVE MURDER is the answer to the Controlling of People in the United Kingdom…no protests no freedom of speech…right Commi now are we?..example…I am the leader you obey ME regardless …completely controlling Leader like
Kim Jon Un…
…right the truth is emerging from your sad Brainless Persona…He is responsible for thousands and thousands of murders he is responsible for families with no food no home no Hopes in Hell of ever having a real life that we enjoy this minute…and we do…
…Has somebody in the Hospital given you some treatment to make your brain change into a Horror Story…Because that is what you just posted on here…You disgust me.
Putin’s not all bad. Argy-bargy between Ukraine and Russian is a long story, been going on for a millennium. America stirred up the recent trouble, egging on Putin to attack. Putin fell for it.
Hm, that could tell a lot about you but that is another story.
From year to year kids (and youngsters) come to our place doing the “trick or treat” thing. We are making a party out of it because we like it.
If you do not like it, do not open the door, but do not throw at people. Just do not open…
I read about a 40% increase of Microsofts overall data center electric energy consumption because of AI.
Working closely together with a guy from Hewlett Packards AI group I can assume that energy consumption is a big issue and is rising…
so Judgemental…one of my pet HATES…BOSSY BOSSY PERSON…I would never tell others how to conduct there responses to bothersome situations…drop dead I say!
(1) Increase spending…where will the extra money come from to increase spending Lincs?
When you consider the enormous nation debt. We are probably paying more interest on that debt than than the country makes in a year. Perhaps if we stopped financing wars in faraway countries we could help the NHS and help to pay off the national debt. Stop sending all our young people to university who are not academically aligned and get them working, earning and paying tax instead of being paid for further education they will never need or use.
(2&3) Tax the wealthy industrialists and they will move their operations and factories to foreign countries, as has already happened with some companies creating a double whammy. Less employment and less manufacturing for export and encouraging more imports.
(4) Encouraging immigration just adds the countries woes. It cost more to house, school and provide medical facilities to each person admitted to work here,their families also are allowed to accompany them so the benefits cancel each other out.
Ironic when we have so many of our own young people who could train and do the job instead of paying them to be educated in worthless none jobs.
(5) Re introduce council house building…For whom? All the migrants coming here from abroad to the jobs we ignore? They will be in a well paid position to buy their own houses. Council houses will be for our own benefit claiming jobless people, but at least they will have a qualification or an ology in something.
(6) No wonder the country is in the state it’s in when we waste so much money in green projects when we should be dealing with the more important issues like homelessness, poverty, high energy bills, public transport and even potholes. Perhaps even building a few power stations for the extra power requirements in the future.
(7 & 8) I agree with.
if it takes so long to approve - is it better to start a separate thread on this (not really Farage) topic? To clarify - I’ve responded to OGF 2 hrs ago but it’s still “awaiting approval”…