This is what a huge number of people think about the toad, Farage

Normal for everyone it seems. Cameron, Johnson and company just as dodgy.

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Maybe but in this case he is running a political party as a limited company. So this is not just about personal wealth.


The country needs a different approach to politics, might the notion be that business is more efficient. Not sure myself.

Being the major shareholder of a Limited Company, owning 53% of the shares, which means that Farage has the controlling interest and gets the final say over their policies and everything else. Richard Tice owns about a third of the shares and the rest are split between just two other people, I think.
Party Supporters donā€™t get a vote over Party decisions or get any say in who their leader will be, so Farage cannot be ousted by a Leadership Contest.

It stops the kind of splits and jockeying for leadership that goes on in the main parties, I suppose. Other political parties are an Association of Members and their Constitutions allow the party members a voice in the selection of candidates and leader.
Running it as a Limited Company, with just Farage as the controlling major shareholder, sounds a very undemocratic way to run a political party.
Judging by the number of dodgy candidates we are hearing about, his decision to outsource the vetting of candidates to a private company didnā€™t work too well.

Iā€™m not sure how the funding element works - presumably his supporters and donors are paying money into his Limited Company accounts and the campaign expenses are defrayed from there - if any Reform Candidates are elected into Parliament, I think the Party will start receiving chunks of taxpayers money, as other political parties do, depending on the number of seats they hold, which will go into his Limited Companyā€™s coffers.
They will still have to comply with the Election Commisionā€™s rules and the use of the funding should be controlled by the legal obligations that apply to all political parties.I However, I wouldnā€™t trust Farage not to find loopholes, so the way his political party is set up as a Limited Company is just one more reason I wouldnā€™t vote for him or any candidate standing in support of Farageā€™s Party.


None is my only option, would rather it was not, having voted for 50 years never believed this would ever happen.
Something very wrong about this, can see why I am very concerned, fearful even, about what lies ahead.

Darren Grimes



šŸšØ Welsh Reform supporter grilled by police In an absurd display of overreach, a Welsh Reform supporter was grilled by police in his own home over a


poster on his property. Why? Because some busybody charity coddling asylum seekers in the area ā€œhad a concernā€. Seriously? This manā€™s home is not their problem. If these asylum seekers or their virtue-signalling cheerleaders canā€™t handle it, they can bugger off somewhere else. And as for the charity, they can take their meddling and shove it. Mind your own bloody business, this is in no way a police matter.

10:51 AM Ā· Jun 27, 2024


When I read and see the rubbish the revolting Darren Grimes spouts and listen to Farage Iā€™m very concerned and fearful about what lies ahead too :rofl:

How did our beautiful, intelligent, Liberal country get reduced to being the kind of place where people like this are given the time of day?

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Lots of stuff happened, and just kept on happening.


Really?? Why give as an example a man who 56 years ago was proved to be a liar and a racist and was expelled from the Conservative Party to support another little fascist, a businessman who set up a company to make money and use Nazi style tactics to create division in society?


I like hearing working class voices in the media, but it does upset the Establishment toffs who want all the power yet are hideously detached from reality.

He may have been a bugger Helen, but thereā€™s no getting away from the fact that his speech was bang on the moneyā€¦

tis a jokeā€¦just a jokeā€¦that was certainly not an example and I actually know nothing about Politics or the man in the Jokeā€¦life I do know though!
Politics starts with a ā€˜Bā€™ in my opinionā€¦

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I am sorry you believe that. No it is not a fact and remains an evil a speech today as it was two generations ago.

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Having seen ,but not read, all the posts, it looks to me the reform party has eveyone worried.
At least voting for him or not he does speak a load of truth which other parties are afraid to say.
I shall be voting for an independant who lives and works in my area, so has local knowledge of local problems. First time I have been up to now undecided because not one party does what they say in their manifesto. The two main leaders only squabble with each other like a couple of kids fighting over a lolly


If, as seems likely, Farage eventually gets a seat in the Commons I will be very interested to see just what he does for the people of Clacton.

Farage will do far more for Clacton than Labour will anywhere.

Labour run Wales is an example of whats to come.

I hope all you folk voting Labour, Lib Dem, Greens, wonā€™t be surprised when housing estates are thrown up in your back yard


I think you not knowing the Conservatives actons in Bexhill on Sea thenā€¦ and the surrounding areas
ā€¦they have and continue to destroy people lives by taking away any spaces of countryside they had.
We made the decision in 2011 to get out of Englandā€¦ we had had enough of moving for huge changes to our environmentā€¦it took us til 2014 because of potentially a serious illness to my Husbandā€¦ but once he was all clear we sold fast and moved fast,No Regrets whatsoever.
1400 houses to be built around us ā€¦our Lane was rough but then it became a TARMAC HELL
even street lighting that nobody wanted least of all the badgers that would ā€˜invadeā€™ our gardens everynight could not cope with the noise there claws would now make on a tarmac surface,sounded like a load of tap dancersā€¦
ā€¦people in the same lane had already lost their Wonderful Countryside Views that was now houses a new main road side roads that was to join up another NEW town with all the necessary facilitiesā€™ a town requires these daysā€¦I
ā€¦Imagine your in your garden and you overlook a huge space filled with trees grasslands wildlife and turn your back and you now overlook an Estate with vehicles coming and goingā€¦you have trouble even getting out the Lane now with all the added houses = people with carsā€¦
The Farm right next door to our old place is now a full on INDUSTRIAL ESTATEā€¦now that is another whole story in itselfā€¦ how the multi millionaire got to turn a farm into an Industrial Estate even though it was discovered after a few years and a few units HE HAD NO PLANNING PERMISSION He got turned down when he applied for retrospect permissionā€¦He appealed and the Court gave it back to himā€¦so now he has since built and built and builtā€¦nothing gonna stop this rich man!
So you think its only the other parties that ruin our daily livesā€¦so wrongā€¦so very wrong,


This so called lovely countryside park was at the back of what was Pebsham Farm next to our old placeā€¦so not just an industrial area a place for every tom dick and harry to invade upon us so they can enjoy the countryside!!!Bliminā€™ heckersā€¦ always was beautiful countryside untouched though!

Conservatives have welcomed a net 60,000 people per month, Labour will be no better.

People are slowly waking up to the fact quality of life is worse than in the 1990ā€™s when we had 40,000 a year, which was very manageable

The left will only wake up when they realise things like being stuck in constantly worsening congestion, simply wasnā€™t worth it.

What is the lefts end vision for England? 300 million people?