These Storms

What the ‘eck’s ’ fill dyke month’ Caricature? :thinking:

February fills the dyke with black or white, traditionally a wet month .

I’m gonna wish I hadn’t asked . . . but black or white what?
Sorry to be so thick!

Black is the rain white be the snow .

‘February fill the dyke, be it black or be it white; but if it be white,it’s the better to like,’

Aah, thank you. :+1:

Do keep up Mups…
:roll_eyes: :icon_biggrin:

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Hang on, wot exactly are we being conned about?

How climate change is bad for us ruthio…

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Sright :+1::+1: …even the Met Office said it’s bugrall to do with these storms :ok_hand:


It’s me age, Foxy. :grin:

It’s blowing a gale and pouring with rain here still.
Bet there won’t half be some floods about.

They are scarey and noisy and there must be huge damage around the country . I’m worn out from the blowing and gusting and keeping an eye out for damage to my little house . Im going to bed

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I know the feeling Susan.
Night night, try and get some sleep. x

Flood alert siren was sounded in the Calder Valley this AM - Todmorden, Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd put on flood alert.
Let us hope that the new flood barrier holding back the River Calder does its job.

Roads closed off at bottom of Elland going towards Brighouse - that’s where the bridge was washed away after the last major flood.

Oh no, that sounds bad.
Do be careful tomorrow, Judsy.

I’m on high ground, so any flooding won’t affect me as such - unless I choose to go to my local Lidl which is next to Gregory Springs/Granny Hall which is a notorious flood area. The river there regularly bursts its banks. :frowning:

Yeah, I’m higher up from the town too, thank goodness.
This is forecast to go on all day tomorrow too.
Bet some poor buggers aren’t half suffering though. It said on tonight’s news, there’s still thousands haven’t got their power back on yet, too. That must be awful.

I used to have such respect for you Foxy
But wtf happened to you?

OGF when you’re sitting on a raft after sea levels rise and flood our lovely isles will you hark us back to Noah’s Ark and say it’s just the weather?

First a helicopter waking everyone up in the middle of the night and now the storm is raging. I can’t believe they took a copter out in this weather tbh. Worried about the fence again and tossing and turning about a meeting I have first thing urgh! Why do people want meetings at 8.30am on a monday…?


The winds overnight have just got stronger and stronger.

It is black bin day and the street is just covered with rubbish from blown over bins.

The weather forecasts have been spectacularly wrong on the BBC,it has been and still is, much worse than forecast.

Webcams are great to watch and give you real time information.

The local small streams and brooks are way above forecast, the main River is not full yet, but it is building up to overtop the flood defences.

We think we know what is going to happen.

Nature will always outwit us.