The Queen has died

You’re in the wrong thread, here are my delicate flowers

I am sure there will still be emergency services, because we can’t reschedule things like heart attacks or serious traffic accidents!
Looking on the bright side, perhaps most people in the UK will stay home & watch the funeral on TV, thereby making less risk of traffic accidents.
It may also remind us of the Bank Holidays when we managed fine when everything was closed.


Being a cynical old git it is also a great way of reducing day to day problems and freeing up resources to concentrate on the main event.

Not only bank holidays, but Sundays and Wednesday afternoons too.

We’ll still be allowed out and of course we have the internet these days.

How did we live ?

As time moves on things change and the old are as guilty as the young for allowing the internet to change our lives. I hope I won’t live long enough to see the big changes of the future, but I do think that science fiction films of our time will not be far from what happens!

If it is then it’s working. I’m certainly grateful for the bank holiday.

I am getting very fed up of hearing the puke making drivel from the peasants .
The Queen was a good Queen but really it’s embarrassing to listen to these poor saps babbling on like they have lost their nearest and dearest .
The Queen was 96 and lead a fabulous life iits sad and the end of an era not a major tragedy.

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Interesting that we are broadcasting a very public display of mourning on tv just now - in that members of the public are being filmed walking past the coffin without their permission. That would put me right off. I guess it will make it easy to identify any terrorist suspects. But it is like a televised CCTV camera.

I would be surprised if any of the people that are paying their respects believed it would be private. Even the queen’s children have been given limited time to do so in private & the news made it clear that thousands were expected.

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Perhaps not but I don’t think anyone expected they would have their faces zoomed into on live tv. It’s an invasion of a private moment of contemplation. They could film people from the back to preserve their dignity.

People have started filing past the coffin and what a strange mixture of people they seem to be
One lot were dressed like they were going to Mardi Gras .

There was a woman up here in Scotland who went round 7 times. Just kept re-joining the queue. :astonished:

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Nowt so queer as folk .

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sounds fabulous. if it’s your chance to be on tv why not dress up?

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The establishment put the fear of God into us with the threat of terrorism and we begged them to install CCTV in every town and city in the country, and then some…And now we moan about it taking away our privacy. We begged the police to get tough on criminals, and we moan about the rough treatment they are giving the protesters. And before anybody says that they have a right to protest, if just one terrorist gets through posing as a protester and plants a bomb or masacres some of the crowd…Who will you blame…? Yes, the police…Some people are unbelievable!


Why would a terrorist pose as a protester, though?

Aren’t they more likely to pose as an ordinary member of the public and draw less attention to themselves?

A logical response Maree.

Dunno Maree, I’m not a terrorist… :009: But I wouldn’t blame the coppers for pulling out anyone who looks suspicious.

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Yeah right .
Half the population looks suspicious

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