The Dog Lovers Thread

Yes Logan, I’m like you, I never go away and leave my dogs either.
Having said that I did have a day out on a coach trip to Norfolk a few years back, but friends came in to see to the dogs for me.
Another time I went to Norfolk with a friend for a few days, but luckily my friend owns a lovely bungalow there so her dogs and mine all came with us.
We had 7 between us. :smiley:

Steer well clear of any kennels who wont show you around where the dogs actually stay and sleep, and the exercise facilities. I used to work in one like that, an ex-copper he was, and there was good reason he wouldnt show people his kennels. It was heart breaking what went on there, I had to leave.
What never failed to amaze me though, was the number of ignorant dog owners who buggered off on their nice sunshine holidays and left their poor dogs in a hell hole place without ever looking round first.


That’s terrible @Mups and glad that you went away with knowing that your dogs would be well looked after.

We’ve had a good search and there’s nothing around like that ,.

Enjoying the sun.


Just back from our walk and here’s Alfie waiting to be put in the sink to have his feet washed…

He soon gets fed up of waiting so buries his head under my chin, he thinks there’s no point wasting time when I can get another minute’s shut eye… :grinning:


He’s so cute Barry

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Aww…. Alfie looks so cuddly, @Barry :grinning:

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He really is @Mags , @logan1 ,you can hold him like a baby and he would happily stay there all day… :grinning:

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He is gorgeous @Barry.

I made a big mistake yesterday, was looking at a thing about one hit wonders and one they mentioned was Shannon by Henry Gross, I listened to it and was tearful all day. Apparently it was written about Carl Wilson of the Beach Boys dog. Dog lover’s don’t on any account listen to this song!!!


What an adorable dog. The loving bond is so apparent. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Awww Barry those pictures are wonderful, literally made me go awwwww out loud. Love your gorgeous dog. A woof from Loki

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Some awful news I’m afraid, we had to have Alfie put to sleep today, his rapid onset of dementia coupled with the return of his cancer had really made his life unbearable and we couldn’t bear to see him suffer any longer.

So goodbye old friend, a man never had a better companion, and I will miss you terribly.

Sleep well now, and rest in peace my dear Alfie xxx


Gosh Barry, I am so very sorry to hear this. :hugs: RIP little Alfie

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I’m so sorry…:frowning:
I feel your pain.

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When hope of improvement is gone and they are suffering it is the kindest thing to do, but so terribly hard. My sympathy to you. Rest in peace Alfie, and I hope your pain is eased a little by knowing you have done the right thing for him.


So So Sorry for you both Barry, Its the hardest thing we have to do ,but its with love when the time comes , no more suffering .

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Barry - that is so sad - he will be missed.

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Ohhhh Barry I’m so so sorry. You must feel so sad right now. I wish I coukd give you a hug .

You did the kindest thing for your dog.


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Oh Barry, that is such sad news and and very upsetting for you and Rosemary. :cry:.

My thoughts are with you both.

Sleep tight sweet Alfie, lovingly released from pain and suffering.


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Barry so sorry to hear that but it was the best thing, even though it’s difficult I know.Rest in peace Alfi.

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