Test video while walking

“DeadCat” is what the pros affectionately call them.

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Chilliboot knows because I know for a fact the tree is His and he holds the secrets of what is going on within it…tell us Chilliboot or forever be cursed!

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Within that very tree lurketh a deadcat, dead yet still horribly animated as if alive. The unfortunate soul who gazes upon it’s terrible countainance is instantly turned into…

No, I can’t go on! :scream: :scream_cat:

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It has, its called Autumn :grin:

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It shows how , maybe subconsciously, impressed we are by camera work in movies so that we’re reminded of it. :movie_camera:

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You must go on or the consequnces will be much worse Chilliboot…Bravery time is Now so ;leave whats left of your brekkie,mmm Crumpets my favorite!.. and yes I had heard a rumour of that Cat, was Black wasn’t it and left people like stone ornaments and then the birds would come down and deposite their waste making it look like its a milloon years old and even cracks appeared seeping out green slime like substances… I had heard touch that and your hands would fall off…How frightening ,no even armless but handless.
Come on Chilliboot what was the purpose of this horror animal well I say Animal but truly an Alien. Rumour has it that Spitfire crossed his co called mate Dungeon and so Dungeon is looking for revenge in some scary way…The black so Called Cat maybe that is Spits in disguise as we know he has a side of him that is Evil…

Through autumn’s golden gown we used to kick our way,
You always loved this time of year
Those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now
'Cause you’re not here
'Cause you’re not here
'Cause you’re not here :notes:

dont try and cover your wickedness it will not fool us…Your plans are now going to be exposed yes your wicked plans because of your so called mate Dungeon…he is dead now so there is no need to carry out your wicked plans anymore…

Is that you Duncan

howz ya Donuts?

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Ignore the disruption of Spitty he is concealing the plans…so he believes…

what can this possible mean…Chilliboot should know something of this,if only he can stop eating his Crumpets!
crikey men and their Crumpets…what is that I spy in the far distance…

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Sorry, can’t help there, nowadays all one sees in that image is a “Turtles Head”!!

your acting your really that Wicked Ships Captain…after Revenge still are you…That wont bring Dungeon back

Cursed be those that violate my crumpet break!

I suggest you visit the very garden and make offerings to Deadcat…at the stroke of midnight!

I’m a bit of a Poe on the quiet ain’t I? :+1:

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Bury your memories bury your friends
Leave it alone for a year or two
Till the stories go hazy and the legends come true
Then do it again, some things never end :notes:

Knew it just knew it, he is the Evil Alien in all this and left deadcat as a warning…sadly we ignored the warning and now the suffering will begin…Torture can feel the presents getting near Xmas but lets get the Stocks out in readiness…

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continue without me or next chapter laters!

Spitty got so so cross…he left his Xmas Gifts for us
Now that maybe a clue but so so scarie…black coffee needed here now…


so not just one dead black cat…

Good result for a personal test piece. No bouncing around as might be expected when walking and making a video. I can see the point of it. I think for a forum video/demo, something more than a walk towards a tree in the garden is needed, unless the route includes a water feature with fish leaping to the surface or something.

Perhaps people will always only appreciate the subject rather than the quality of a photo or video. One thing is for sure though. If the quality is bad, it will be noticed and might well be remarked on, so the expense of the equipment and striving for perfection can be worthwhile.

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exactly Mart, there those that have posted on this thread that have absolutely no Idea and drift off onto something unrelated. I do wish these members stuck to the thread heading if that is at all possible for them to do. Maybe AZZ should have a word with them
Trying to produce a smooth video without bouncing around ain’t easy let alone how to. doing it without the help of a gimbal s well is even harder.

The problem is most use a camera phone (make me sick thinking of even using one) and think they are photographers but don’t have a clue about photography or videography. No concept of DOF- ISO -SS-Aperture- lighting- stacking -audio mixing and a thousand other things that a photographer/ videographer knows about.


Moved to the Bus Stop Thread…