So who do we need to go and rescue?

Well at least I tried to show an interest. And that’s the thanks I get.


Remind me not to ask you when l need an alibi… you’d get me hanged! Ha!

Rhian can you go and rescue boozecruiser he is desperately trying to get back and can’t


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Well, you and I both know where Gibbet Hill is.

Yep! A few hangings were carried out there!

As indeed were a few peaceful naps while someone droned on about some nonsense in the background.

Have the two lovely Susan and Susie been mentioned? One with the huge fluffy cat, and the other one with the noisy neighbours?

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Unfortunately I think the emails notifying us of the new site all went into the Junk Mail folder, or at least they did on my Hotmail account(M$) and I read others had the same experience.

BTW @PixieKnuckles it is possible he went away before the lockdown, it has been in force for seven weeks now, I just thought it unlikely but could be wrong.

Susan M and susiejaeger?

If so, just checked the old site, and they’d logged on there within the last 24 hours.

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Does anyone know? Is it possible to cancel a heart that is given in error?

Dextrous, To save paper, l will reply to you here… Yes those two you mentioned. Thank You.

Click on the heart again.

Try it on me. You’ve broken my heart so many times, I’m hardened to it now.

Ha! I daren’t now, as l gave one to you that was meant for Carol.
Now you’ve helped me out, it would be churlish to take it back off you!

I expect no less. Red Angry Smiley Smiley

Thankyou Art I am here . Thankyou for thinking of me x


It’s ok Art - let him keep it.

I think Dex deserves a heart. :gift_heart:

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Yep, he would be useful now, now the drawbridge has been raised. :man_with_turban:


I thought Boozer was banned
Is that not the case?

I asked Azz about this, and it is true that ALL members from the old site were reinstated during the switch over since to set up some kind of filter would have delayed this site from being available to us, and he thought we’d waited long enough.

Yes and the 3 month waiting time for PM’s doesn’t apply either…I do hope that once new members are allowed, that this is reinstated - or limited anyway. PM spamming was an issue, I believe back in the day’s of OFF.