So who do we need to go and rescue?

Who is conspicuous by their absence?
Are there members still stuck on the other side?

Edit: we’ve come up with a way to send members a notification! Simply create a post in this thread with the text below (just remember to change @username with their actual username) and the system will send them an email! :003:

Hey @username, haven't you heard - over50sforum has moved to :-)

All you need to do to get started is go to: 

..and enter your email or username and then follow the instructions.

Once you have set a password for this new site then you just need to login via:

And that's it! 

We're missing you and hope to see you soon!

If you get stuck, start a thread on the old forum here: and Azz will help you get access to your account here.


(You’ll will need to copy and paste the above text, rather than highlight and press the ‘quote’ option)

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I’m sure they will be scooped up on the OFF Lifeboat, Rhian! I see a few folk who I thought had yet to arrive, but are actually here and just getting to grips with things quietly. Having said that, I’m sure you know many more members than I do, given I’m fairly newish. :smiley:


Plankton is not here as on a Disc Golfing Trip…almost certain, as he was talking about it recently…but sure he will be back on his return…
images :innocent

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Plankton yes!
I love that username! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I feel like I haven’t seen much of Mups…
Or did I dream she posted on this new format?

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Mups posted here Rhian, but I think she is “puppy-fied” at the moment :dog:

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Oh of course she is!
I remember reading that now

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Skippy never played the victim! :kangaroo:

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Perhaps they have just disappeared into the…


Haven’t seen Todger Rhian ??
Spect he’s trying to change his image LOL ??

Donkeyman! :+1::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::+1:

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@Donkeyman Todger was on yesterday for a bit. He wasn’t too impressed, but I think he will miss us too much to stay away. He’ll be back :smiley:

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He’s definitely been on here as you can spot his avatar a mile off!
Not posted much yet though I agree…

Are you happy with thread starting now @Donkeyman ?

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He was around yesterday and made a couple of posts DMan.
You can use the search magnifying glass (top right of your page) to find out what he posted, if you’re that curious.

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Bakerman too, I hope he makes it over as I enjoy his posts. :blush:

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Pretty sure I saw him on here a day or so ago.

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Have you messaged him @Barry?

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No Rhian, I’ve not worked that one out yet! :thinking:

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Click on his avatar to bring up his profile it has a “message” button on it straightaway
Click on his name again to bring up “message” and even more options…

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Yeah Rhian!! Once l could create, l was happy ??
Don’t suppose l will use many of the “advantages” though ?
But there’s no denying that it’s very clever ??
Well done AZZ​:+1::+1::+1:

Donkeyman! :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Now where are the avatars Rhian??
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

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