So who do we need to go and rescue?

Oooer! Don’t sound good to me ??

Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

And what about Glenn Miller?

What are you on about? He’s a tosser. :018:

Donkeyman, Maybe she needed a wee break. It happens to the best of us…:+1:

:grin::grin::grin: naughty, naughty!!

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I was referring to his enthusiasm for the caber. :lying_face:

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I hope so Pixie !!

Hope you see this Azz?..

You will need to copy and paste it Pauline (rather than highlight then hit ‘quote’) - then when it is pasted, edit the bits to include that person’s username :smiley:

Try it in the Testing Section if you like :023:


Ok, my son will help me tomorrow, thanks Azz,:pray:

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Your an do it Pauline :lol:

When you highlight the text like this:

Just ignore that quote button and press CONTROL + C to copy and then hit the reply button and in the post creation box press CONTROL + V to paste… and then just replace Hey @username with Hey @UkGameCoder and click on reply as usual to make the post.

Give it a whirl :023:

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Failing that, his email address is can be found here

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I hope not, he should be in lockdown

Ahh Sorry Bruce, maybe I’m getting mixed up with someone else then! Keezoy wouldn’t break the rules :smiley:

So is @Emjay still missing?

Carol, (smile) Thank You for asking. I have been on here but l have been busy in my garden wielding an electric hedge trimmer and cutting my hedges. Or should l say, hacking them!

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Take it you didn’t use the string trick to keep lines nice and straight?

Dextrous, Whatever are you chuntering on about? I have been to an RHS show down south? Ha! That’s news to me!
I went to the RHS show at Tatton Park a few weeks ago but l don’t know of any other imminent RHS show.
Maybe, you mean the BBC Gardening Show that’s on in a fortnight, or so but that’s held in Birmingham.

Dexo she is a femme…freedom to rome…Rome or is the do what she likes…yeah…tired eyes…lol…yawn

No, l was trying to shape them but l massacred them instead.