Azz has left a substantial trail of breadcrumbs for everyone.But we have had a mouse plague…
Robinson Crusoe.
I’d just like to thank Azz, who keeps popping up at appropriate times all over the place to help us get to know how to use this new forum.
I’ve never seen him post so much in the past.
Ask for help and, voila! he appears with the answer.
Hopefully, he’ll be able to have a well-earned rest before too long.
I’ll be here or a week or two then fade into the background again - just making sure you’re all set first
You do deserve a holiday…
but then you need to pop in every other week and say hi, so we can give you
If any members on here are in touch with Keezoy - please, pretty please - would you ask him to email me! I had his email address before but it is lost in the cosmic dust somewhere and I really would like to keep in touch with him and his family.
Thank you
I’m sure I read somewhere that he was away on holiday…does he know we have moved? Aww bless him, I hope he finds his way here soon!
He does know about the move and logged in when we first arrived - but didn’t stay long enough to unpack! Have left him a PM in case he does come back. Was just hoping someone else may have contact with him.
Try not to panic ST, you will find some people come over straight away, and some people will follow later - some might be waiting for family members to help them and some may be getting help via the Help section on the old forum, or they might just be busy, on holiday, or just out enjoying the weather
The template in the first post in this thread is a good way to send out a message to any absent members too
I saw that Azz - but if he has decided not to join us he may not respond. Will give it a try anyway. Thank you.
Hey @keezoy, haven’t you heard - over50sforum has moved to
All you need to do to get started is go to:
…and enter your email or username and then follow the instructions.
Once you have set a password for this new site then you just need to login via:
And that’s it!
We’re missing you and hope to see you soon! Keezoy please email Silver Tabby!
If you get stuck, start a thread on the old forum here: Over 50s Forum and Azz will help you get access to your account here.
Yeah, you are right there JB,. AZZ used to be like God, we never saw him but he tried to rule out lives!!
Now it is like God AZZ come down to earth !!
UK Game Changer is missing…can Azz send him an email?.
I haven’t seen or heard of Ulabi since we moved??
I hope her eye is ok, she was having trouble with a bee sting in it before the move??
Donkeyman, Ullabi left shortly before we moved. She did say goodbye, but gave no reason. Maybe she will come back at some point! I hope so, she was nice.
Lord Lucan.
Whats the missing link there Spitty?
Surely you have a way of getting in touch with him without having to rely on man-made channels of communication. Try Gmail (God mail).
I don’t know how to do this, can someone send UK Game Changer a notification/ email please, he’s a great guy!!.