So what do you vegetarians do on a Tuesday?

It’s Tuesday,
I am a vegetarian :smiley:,
I have just had a breakfast of organic porridge with mixed seeds and a glass of cherry Kafir.
Lunch will be a very hot vegetable chilli with wild rice and cucumber yogurt and the last of the gooseberries.

Later I will have a home made wholemeal bread roll with cream cheese and cucumber and an apple.


In a world where we can obtain just about any food we desire, people can afford to be picky about what they eat Bratti…We don’t eat just to survive anymore, we have choices.


Absolutely! People eat what they like cause they can. We CAN choose to be picky eaters. We are exceptionally lucky people.
So true.

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plus, we are told that processed food, a wide range of what’s on supermarket shelves may not be good for us. And I think/hope we take some notice in our old age. We’ve got more time on our hands for shopping & cooking. Use it wisely. Enjoy.

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Sounds nice, healthy too.

We always have porridge, seeds, fruit, for breakfast. Haven’t had meat since we had a Full English in a BB back in 2016. It wasn’t forced upon us, we thought it would make a change.

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Never mind shopping d00d, why not grow your own like we used to do after the war.
Blokes should go out to work the land (none of these nancy pansy office jobs) and women should stay at home and prepare healthy and tasty meals.

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Yes but processed foods is an entirely different topic. Both animal eaters and vegetarians can eat processed foods.

Yeah but … men are better cooks. They are more passionate and take cooking more seriously, more adventurous, love a challenge.

We don’t have much of a garden here in London, but Mrs d00d would love more space for growing veg.

I don’t know that tune, but if you hum it, I’ll join in with a backing :wink::point_right::grin::+1:


@Bruce 's idea of batch cooking is to defrost an old process sausage, cook it and freeze it again.


You never met my Mum then did you d00d…?
Her meat and potato pies were a legend…
And I still salvicate just thinking about her Blackcurrant pies made from blackcurrants grown in our garden. Houses just don’t have proper gardens like they used to.

Of course … I don’t include your mum in my sexist observations.

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Yeah! Sure you are. :lying_face:

Vegetarian Tuesday

Spanish omelette - eggs, tomato sauce, hot peppers, olives, green onions, Parmesan cheese, grated cheese

With - air fried chips ; potatoes

Note/ I’m actually 75% vegetarian
If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m diagnosed celiac disease and that my husband eats so much meat, I could do vegetarian. There’s no way I can go 100 % vegan since I enjoy cheese and other dairy too much. I don’t eat a lot of it but I do like it.


Sounds good - but no tomato sauce on mine!

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My vegetarian Tuesday dinner was one of my favourites

Curried butternut squash and green beans, served with “cauliflower rice” and a small peshwari naan.

I didn’t take a pic of my dinner before I scoffed it all but this is a
Pic from the old slimming world recipe I use

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You’ll doubtless be excited to know I tried one last night and can report on it’s excellence.

However today I shall be ringing the Pantry@Corrimal to get ten of their $5 meals delivered, generally speaking batch cooking is a thing of the past for me since they started doing meals at this price.

Fear not, I shall intersperse them with my homemade banger and veggie meals and I still have some Butter Chicken and Spag Bol meat sauce left in the freezer.


It tasted much better than it looks.
The curried butternut squash looks great and I love curry and squash so would certainly love it.


We grow our own veggies that we make meals from and can them. They are then put in our storage room. We starting to get quite the selection.

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I had a quiche with salad potatoes green beans and broccoli.

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