So difficult to lose weight as I age

Honestly, I am 25kg, 55lb, overweight and realise without being physically active I will never drop any weight.
I do not eat much but what I do is is high calorie “junk” foods. So hard to break the habit.
Low calorie to me means boring, maybe that is a misplaced idea but who wants to revert to salads and the like?
Exercise for me, with shonky ankles and knees is fraught with danger.
So I wonder if I am destined to remain overweight with a stroke a possibility.
I sure hope not.

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Have you engaged your GP / Surgery / other medical assistance, so far? Do they even know what you’re wanting to do and how you’ve failed, so far, to do it?


So far I have not been serious in my attempts to lose weight. Just something I want and most likely need to do.
Without sustained effort on my part that ain’t going to happen.
One day I might get serious, I hope it is before a possible stroke eventuates.

You say as you age? Has it ever been easier? I found it more difficult to lose weight when I was middle-aged. Eating smaller portions (not necessarily half-size) is supposed to be more effective than physical activities since the latter are usually not done with the intensity needed to help reduce weight. You may want to get advice from nutritionists or other sources on a varying low(er)-calorie diet that is not necessarily salads. I’m not overweight but my cholesterol is higher than that of people who are. So knowing one’s cholesterol level and other risk factors gives you a fair idea of potential risks.

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When I was 30 I was the weight I am now and became thoroughly sick of it so I hired a personal trainer for 10 weeks and lost all that excess weight as well becoming toned so there was virtually no excess fat on my body.
With my dickie joints I am not sure I could do now what I done then.
Yes, maybe I will look into finding a nutritionist to give me sound advice.

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There are low impact exercises available, you have to change a routine if your serious about anything Imo.


See, to loose a few pounds, first you have to shed a ton of baggage

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I’ve just been put on a two year course of steroids…its only a very small dose but a side effect is increased appetite…honest I’m scared to death because I’m hungry all the time and I read there are other awful effects too such as face whiskers and losing hair …I’m not sure what is worse the condition or the medicine prescribed to cure it

So if you see a really fat woman with a beard and a bald head trundling around here in a few months it’ll be me … :frowning:


You could take up weightlifting summer :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Oh shush Spitty that’s even worse :frowning:

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Brett, you are only in your 60s, so not really old, try doing a bit of walking every day if you can.
Instead of not eating, have breakfast, lunch and dinner, proper food not junk food but smaller portions, and try and do some light exercises.

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When I was diagnosed with heart problem 6 years ago and read a study that lifestyle changes could slow the progression of the condition, I started by losing 1.5 stone and I have maintained the weight loss.
Some tips for weight loss…
…eat your main meal at lunch time not in the evening so you are active not sitting around afterwards,

Have a supply of healthy nibbles for those times when you feel the need to eat something, I had a little mug of carrot and celery sticks in water prepared in the morning so readily available, don’t eat or drink anything else between meals except water and your healthy nibbles.

Diets are not a good idea, permanent lifestyle changes with healthy eating daily walks are the way to go .


Eat less, move more. Job done.


Hello Bretrick, and welcome to the OFF

No, losing weight is not easy, but here is something to consider -

You might not have diabetes, but a diabetic diet could be very helpful for you, as it cuts out a lot of sugary, high carb & junk food, and concentrates on lean meat, fruit & veg, exercise, and all the healthy stuff we hear about
Look at particularly -

Living with Diabetes on the Home Page of Diabetes UK
Forums, especially Food & Carbs and Weight Loss
Learning Zone, the red tab at the top of the Forum page

For exercise, Search YouTube for low impact and/or seated exercise, Tai Chi, and there will be loads of videos & options
Recently I have started doing Tai Chi, which is a martial art but not as aggressive as things like judo or karate, it concentrates more on balance, suppleness, and stretching
It is made up from short standard movements that you join up in a sequence called a Form, that’s why you hear of people ‘doing their form’
Start with a few simple movements and progress to more, and more complicated moves
There is also a mental/meditation aspect to it, so although Tai Chi is probably not active enough for serious weight loss on its own tt can give you the motivation to stick to the straight and narrow!

It might help if you go to a class of some kind, for just exercise, or many sports & health centres have exercise & healthy living courses; meeting and working with other people will help as well

I have lost weight with a diet scheme, you could think about that too.
There are various brands, such as Exante, Optifast, Kee Diet, Slimfast, and others
They are all based on meal replacement shakes and prepared meals & diet bars; they have the advantage that you don’t have to think too much, just stick to the plan
Dr Michael Mosley had success with this method for helping people to lose weight & control their diabetes
He’s written a book about it - The Fast 800
But if you Search & Surf t’Net & YouTube for him, meal replacement plans, and similar categories, there are all sorts of references

You might not have diabetes, but it’s something to think about
Most pharmacies will give you a quick test and a chat, enough to give you an indication.

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The USA used to be thought of as the country full of overweight people. In recent years it’s becoming the UK.

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How will we know you from the others?


Yes, I know what I should, discipline is the real issue.
Maybe an exercise bike will suffice for exercise.

Thank you for the tips. I will look at healthy snacks instead of cream biscuits and doughnuts.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to show me some options.
I will seriously look into diabetes meal plans.

Hello Bretrick
I am also now quite a bit overweight. I was always quite slim and fit. Like you, I am still just in my 60s.

My trouble started about 8 years ago when I tore my meniscus. Couldn’t cycle or walk for couple of years. I was also looking after my very elderly Mum. She was diagnosed with Alzheimers and the next few years were dreadful. Then covid came and we couldn’t visit until she was on end of life care. It was just a dreadful time. Mum passed away at Xmas 2020 and there was all the usual sorting out, probate etc. there was a legal battle which took nearly 2 years to sort out.

Very gradually I gained weight and just didn’t have any “me” time.
Anyway yesterday I went for my HRT check up and of course my weight was mentioned. Then the nurse took my BP and said OMG Your BP is perfect! I think she was expecting it to be high as I am overweight. It was 130/70 and I told her it was always excellent.

I am just going to get back into having a 30 min walk every day and eat smaller portions because most of what I eat is healthy.