Should Covid Vaxxed People Carry a Clearly Visible ID?

Foxy you have had covid but prior to that before it’s symptoms were evident you were walking about shedding virus so who knows how many people you may have infected ?

This is a major problem for our NHS waiting lists and why all the pressure for double vaccination + the booster.

Finally I wondering why with so many anti-vaxxers, that we kept sitting on a stockpile.
I’m done with anti-vaxxers, let them be and Darwin can ex em out if he likes. I am so tired of their arguments and all the whistling in the dark they keep doing.

Moderna to supply Africa with up to 110 million COVID doses (

I’m trying to be logically here.
I live alone. The only time I’m in company is shopping and scrupulously take care, where there are many who don’t do that and never have since the start of the pandemic. I keep far away from others when I go out for a walk.

Can all those who live with others hand on heart be so certain they and the people they live with or come in contact with in their personal lives or working lives are doing their very best to limit catching or spreading anything on as I am?

If I do succumb to the virus and the threat of being hospitalised might arise I would refuse so please don’t make me suffer with guilt feelings about taking up a bed. Being hospitalised isn’t an option I would take which some may find hard to understand.

As frightening as I find it, I would prefer to pass on up above.

I’m not an anti-vaxer BTW.
I have a terror of medical intervention of any sort which has been with me since childhood… It’s not something I’m proud of but it is what it is.
TBH, I’m proud I managed to get myself to have the first jab. You’ve no idea how long it took me to talk myself into it and the stress I gave myself - because my thinking was have it for the good of others, even if that does sound rather sick inducing.


‘’ Should Covid Vaxxed People Carry a Clearly Visible ID? ‘’

I think it would be better if the unvaccinated rang a bell and shouted ‘Unclean’ wherever they go … :icon_wink: :laughing:


Oh Gawd Meg…You’ve done it now… :grimacing:
Our Foxy will go into a right huff Methinks :grinning:


I was thinking of getting Miss Madam to order me one. I could use that, after I’d sanitised it of course. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Pesta It’s your body your choice Pesta :slightly_smiling_face:

Having had the vaccination and booster, the threat and worry of C19 is still the same for me and I am still isolating as much as possible .

By biggest fear is having to go into hospital unable to breathe and trapped unable to move in an oxygen mask for days on end :icon_sad:
Every 10-12 days I have an episode that leaves me breathless and unable to function properly for 10 hours so I regularly get a small taste of what having C19 must be like and that scares me more than having the vaccination .

Every person must decide what is best for them and I can understand people being fearful of the vaccination.

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I understand how frightened you must feel Meg with those episodes and how they give you a taste of what might happen if you (gawd forbid) catch the virus. At least now, after having the jabs, you can relax a bit more knowing you’ve done as much as one can.


I’m speechless Foxy. :woozy_face:

With 75% of people now in hospital suffering from covid are the unvaccinated.
Beds that could be used for non rated covid illness .
I think it’s selfish . Not only selfish but many will have to live with permanent damage like tissue death.
I’m not talking about those who are unable to take up the offer due to other health conditions & concerns ,however those numbers are thankfully few.

It’s such a small thing a little jab .
Unlike giving up an addiction that takes true dedication and willpower often change of lifestyle.


Personally I’m all for live and let live.

OK you decided not to be vaccinated because in your words, “there is very little chance that I will catch it” and that was your choice fair enough, so why go on a rage about people who chose to have the vaccine, wasn’t that their free choice to make? So why exactly was your choice more important than their choice, and why do anti vaxxers so vehemently despise people that chose differently and were vaccinated?

As for tattoos, if you think the vaccinated should be tattooed and I was of the same mentality, then I would probably advocate the same for all anti vaxxers (including, incidentally, two of our sons) who ought to be tattooed with “selfish and cowardly anti vaxxer” so that we can give them a wide berth, for they are the problem now according to the level of hospital admissions, not the vaccinated.


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I don’t think anyone should be “marked” for the choices they make…it sounds quite horrible. However, i do believe that wearing masks should be more strictly enforced for both sides of the argument…after all, its respectful to others and common practice in most Asian countries.


Thanks @Pesta keep doing what you are doing and stay safe… :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I don’t know why some of you vaxxed are getting hot under the collar and angry,
it was only a suggestion, and it’s something that I have to put up with on a daily basis.
I can well understand why people with medical issues have taken the vaccine, but I think the reason why some of you are being abusive and rude is because you have realised that you have made a huge mistake…

It would have been impossible for me to have spread the virus in the week leading up to my infection because:-
(1) I never left my house that week, and other than Mrs Fox, no one visited.
(2) I do not normally come into contact with other people except a very limited and select bunch of friends and neighbours, none of which have had Covid. So how possibly could I have spread it to anyone else?

Like you @Pesta when both Mrs Fox and I caught the virus we made a pact that we would not go to hospital and be separated to die alone. So I don’t know about anyone else, but we most certainly would not be taking up a hospital bed!

As for the figures about 75% of unvaxed people taking up hospital beds, they are not going to tell you otherwise are they? Nobody would have the jab if they were told it doesn’t work. And apart from that, could it be that hospital beds are been taken up by vaxxed people who have developed illnesses caused by the vaccines? Something else they wouldn’t tell you!

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We were exactly the same during March '20 and we kept to ourselves with our nearest two daughters (next door to each other) delivering food and using their keys, left all deliveries in the enclosed porch.

Just as it would have been impossible for you to catch it you mean… :smile:

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I find it hard to believe OGF that you would rather watch your wife suffer an agonising death than take her to hospital for some life saving oxygen.

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That would not happen in my house as we have our own oxygen concentrator with masks and nose cannulas, nebuliser and all the other gubbins etc that was available to buy. I bought an analytic BP monitor and pulse-oxymeter long ago.

Not the same as the special treatment from experienced staff in a covid ward.though.