Self-defence for the older person

That’s the spirit gal. :023:

Worn meself out now!

Haha. There’s some great replies on here, thanks all!:cool:
I’ve never come across so many feisty, ‘get-in-there’ (elderly) folk who just want to kick someone’s head in or gouge out their eyes lol!!
Big lad that I am, I think I’d rather hang around some of you lot if I ever got into a situation - I’d be quite safe!:lol:

Joking aside, I think my sheer size would deter most thugs who should decide to get shirty with me. A good hefty weighty arm on their shoulder may see them off before they got more serious. Always best to simply try to diffuse the situation by some wise words though, if you have those mediator skills.:slight_smile:

Depends on the situation, if all they are after is your handbag well I suggest just give them it and avoid any violence. If it was someone wanting to do physical harm I would scream and run, at least I think I would. It’s difficult to know how you would react faced with those situations, I’ve surprised myself in the past but common sense tells me we should scream and run.


I was looking for something in the garage yesterday when I came across an old pair of my fishing socks.

I really should carry them around in a plastic bag and gas the assailant with them.:slight_smile:

They really do stink.:shock:

I was wondering what the smell was swims:shock:

If you are trained in a martial art, there’s no need to ‘think’ about it, your reaction would be second nature.

An ex girlfriend of mine trained in Karate and one day when a work colleague crept up behind her and grabbed her bum, she immediately stamped on his shin without having to think about it. Ouch!

I don’t think anyone would need to attack me these days my balance is such that just tap me with a finger and I go down :blush: I do carry a stick sometimes two I’d use them but I’m not sure how effective that would be mainly because I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone.

Flight or fight. You dont really know how you will react until it happens.

About 4 years ago I saw OH off to work and then headed out with the dogs.
When I got back I found the back door on the latch and I knew Id locked it.
Without even stopping to think I put the dogs in the garage and grabbed the jack handle, crept into the living room where the door to the upstairs was open…(I’d left it closed) …By this time I could hear someone moving about upstairs and I was angry, I was getting really really angry about anyone daring to think they had the right to come into my house and take my stuff…
As I heard footsteps on the stairs I took up position behind the door with the jack handle raised…
At which point my eye caught sight of OH’s lunch box on the table…

I called out his name and he answered, just in time not to get his brains knocked out.

I think then I knew Im a fighter not a flight type…

I have been watching videos of this very thing lately - rise in violence against the elderly in parts of the US. Let’s face it it depends how ‘elderly’ a person is. Some of those attacked were defenseless. Even the ones that tried to put up some sort of a show didn’t fare much better. I suppose the best protection is to keep as fit as you possibly can for as long as you can at least then you have some sort of fighting chance. Would they carry out such attacks in Texas? Sure made me think. A gun is one hell of a leveler. Of course such attacks occur here too. The worrying thing for me is whether or not it is a growing trend.

I had a Post Office in the 90s and I was held up by a couple who put a ticking clock device on my counter and demand I open up. I had just boiled a kettle of water for a cuppa before cashing down. I’m afraid I chased them out of the shop throwing the boiling water over them. One escaped entirely and the other the police got but he blamed the police for giving him hot coffee for the burns on his hands. They both eventually got away with it and the police told me that had I used a spray into their faces I could have been charged. They couldn’t charge me for the boiling water because the one caught blamed the police even though they are not allowed to give too hot a coffee. Now in retrospect I probably would have let them have the lot for the help I had from the Post Office.

I should have pointed out that the clock device with black and red wires attached to something covered in black tape I took off the counter and placed in the gutter outside. The guys from Aldershot came and did a controlled explosion. The worst part was the effect it had on my two Labradors who were scared at my shouting!

Could you smell it too, summer? Wow!
I had to shut me windows earlier because of it. :smiley:

That is dreadful Moyra. Glad you were safe though, and had the guts to do something. Very brave.

I can understand how frightening it was though, because our village post office got raided when I was in there, a few years back.
Three men came in with masks on, shouting loudly and banging big metal bars, or baseball bat type things about.
They shouted at me because I looked at them, they told me to turn away.
There was an old man on his mobility scooter in the shop at the time, just me and him, and he started to shout at them, and I had to shut him up, I was terrified he would get us both killed if he argued with them.
When I eventually got back home I couldn’t stop shaking.

The police never did catch them.

Despicable isn’t it. I’ve mentioned before we have been emasculated in so many ways. I’ve just read a report about a young women in Denmark who defended herself against a molester using pepper spray. She is now being prosecuted as the spray is illegal. What the hell are people supposed to do?

You did the right thing Mups. In those situations it’s best to just keep out of it. I wouldn’t be a hero for a company’s money.

Thanks dongles, it sure was scary.

BTW, off topic quickly, I thought of you last night because you know your thread about Silence, well I went to a talk last night entitled Power of Silence. How’s that for coincidence. :slight_smile:

Yes, but it is not the Post Office in this case that lost. I did leaving a mortgage of £40 unpaid and all I had put into it around £56k lost. No the PO will let the tenant Post Mistresses lose the lot! They do not care about the licencees. I have had to rent ever since I came home to Essex, no compensation to cover the loss of the PO. So everything I worked for all those years all lost and those little b–gars running around free caring on their hold ups and break ins. There is no real justice in this country.

Floydy has a handbag? :lol:

Stiletto heels are certainly an effective weapon!

Indeed! Perhaps you could explain in anew thread.