Richard Gere - MotherFatherSon (TV Mini Series 2019)

If it is a stroke then I don’t understand why they were opening the skull. I tried to find out the details online but could not find more than high level information. When someone has a stroke or aneurysm they usually go internally, either via meds or via a catheter guided method. I wondered whether it was that he’d had a brain tumour all along as that would make sense. But then read that it was related to the cocaine overdose :confused:

The friendship with the homeless guy goes from really awkward “chats” to him making her a (horrible) bowl, to suddenly she is obsessed. It just didn’t seem natural to me. Not that she shouldn’t be friendly with a homeless guy but that they did not seem that intimate or click. No chemistry see. You didn’t think the overflowing bath scene was unrealistic? She seemed far too sensible for such nonsense.

Gere? I just don’t like him in it I guess. Matter of opinion. If others like his performance that’s all good. It’s just a tv show so we will all have different tastes.

But I will be watching the next show. Just saying it’s contrived, but that’s ok. I will still enjoy it for what it is. Hope they don’t keep showing the dead seal though!

Blame Art & Mups! I keep seeing a new born kitten! & wondering at his “thin face” :shock:

Why would you need surgery after a stroke?
This removes blood clots and helps restore blood flow to the brain. Thrombectomy is only effective at treating ischaemic strokes caused by a blood clot in a large artery in the brain. It’s most effective when started as soon as possible after a stroke.

I didn’t see the wife obsessed at all . She went to his place if that’s what you mean to find out if he was the one who had spoken to someone about the friendship.

As for clicking . I think her face showed that she liked him very much .
No I didn’t see what you imagined about the bath scene.

How you can form an opinion after one episode that you didn’t like RG in it , I don’t know .
Maybe he’s lost weight , the thin face ? The face always shows it . Who cares ? :smiley:

Annie, I think it’s his eyes that make him look like a newborn kitten! :lol:

I can’t see what women see in him. I don’t think he’s anything special!

I notice those who are of argumentative persuasion in this thread are largely the same people who frequent the politics threads.
Come on guys…each to their own. More use of “IMO” yes? :102:

Well Mups cares about his face. She is worried! It’s always interesting to watch actors you’ve loved ageing. But it sometimes detracts from the subject as you end up analysing their looks rather than focusing on the character (or at least I do).

I’ve not really enjoyed RG in roles for the last ten or so years. When he was young and angry he seemed to focus that anger into his work and in turn this gave a really impressive performance. So his early stuff like American Gigolo, Officer & a Gentleman and looking for Mr Goodbar had a totally different character to later roles. I can’t help but compare. It’s not his age, but that he has mellowed too much.

I see on searching that there is an operation (craniotomy) where the skull is removed to relieve pressure and clip an aneurysm. This site as ever is so educational!

Art - the minute I saw him I could see what you mean!

I think he was quite hot in the 70s & 80s. Nice bod :smiley: Some actors carry that through to their later years, say Sean Connery or they even improve later (John Thaw). But it doesn’t work for everyone.

Have you watched the show Floydy?

No, does that make any difference to my observations of members in this thread arguing?

I understood most of it but wondered what the girl’s disappearance/murder had to do with them and why, the man ? a private investigator was murdered.

I don’t think Sarah Lancashire fits in, somehow. Is she the leader of the opposition?

I thought you might input into the discussion.

I have!

My wife started watching it mainly because of Richard Gere. I’m not a fan of his, he’s made too many mediocre movies in my opinion. I went out for about quarter of an hour, while she watched it, then came back to find the telly off. “Is there something wrong with the TV!?” No she said, I turned it off, as it was a heap of crap! :shock::shock::shock:

This thread is hilarious!!
How can you expect to understand everything in the first episode, there’s seven more to go!! :043::043:

Pipe down Floydy this is marmite stuff!!

Art don’t feel alone :smiley:
None of us are supposed to understand that bit yet .

Yes I think re SL .

Richard Gere is 67 I believe .
I’m not watching because of him , he fits the part tho ,I do like Mrs Damien Lewis tho ,Helen McRory, and looking forward to her again soon as Pol in Peaky Blinders . She always has a fag on in that too so I wonder if she’s smoker in real life ?

I think the newspaper were bugging the mobile phone of a missing girl.
Remember News of the World and Millie Dowler?

Hands up be honest: Would anyone of you even have even tuned in if Richard Gere wasn’t in it?

I’d like to think, we are far more intelligent than to do that.

Yes… but the News Of The World didn’t have someone garrotted, did they?

This lot are even more ruthless!! :smiley:

I like it that the older female journalist who has left the paper is now conniving to bring it all down! Great stuff…