Richard Gere - MotherFatherSon (TV Mini Series 2019)

Thats your excuse then for not understanding what it was about !
The writer is highly thought of ,
The Assasination Of Gianni Versace
just two .
I read that this happened to a friend of his ,I take it the son .
Seven episodes should reveal a lot .

Perhaps very influential moguls like the character RG is playing are very well able to watch operations .
What about those studying medicine don’t they sometimes get to watch from viewing platforms ?

I couldn’t care less if the writer is highly thought of or not, it didn’t appeal to me. The characters were just not realistic, who behaves in the ways they did? You are right of course in that the following episodes will probably reveal more but I’m not sure I am prepared to wait that long. It’s a shame because there are some good actors in it.

Of course they do but not the patient’s parents. How ridiculous was that.

I watched it I won’t pretend I understood it all but I am sticking with it as they may bring it all together in the next episodes.

Met Richard Gere in a lift in London once very gentlemanly man he held the doors for me to get the push chair out and then helped carry it down a flight of stairs. One of the nicer celebs I have met.

He does seem like a nice bloke, that doesn’t surprise me. (nice to see you back Julie).

I found the pathetic casting by the BBC to show how politically correct it is annoying. After ten minutes I gave up.

What on earth is that supposed to mean?
Why was the casting pathetic?
In what way?

Glad you asked because I am struggling to see the PC in it, unless people don’t want to see any black faces on TV at all.

The black Prime Minister for instance. :wink:

Are you absolutely sure you know for sure and certain exactly what money can and cannot buy ?

Point out please why they were not realistic ?

I’d agree, although it didn’t detract from the watchability for me.

The wife was a strange character. Stilted communication style, bizarre thing with the overflowing bath (was anyone else wondering whether the floor had drainage?). The relationship with the homeless guy is not credible. Gere is not that well cast. He doesn’t seem to be into the role. The son was the most convincing character. But very odd that he needs surgery.

What’s wrong with that ? it’s a drama not a documentary so they can dream about equality and a black person being prime minister if they want. It’s coming eventually anyway, generations to come aren’t as bigoted as the previous ones. We already have plenty of black MPs women MPs and councils around the country are often headed by black men and women. London has a black mayor.

Nothing PC about the writing IMO

Anyone know what surgery the son was undergoing?
I thought he’d had a stroke :confused:
Maybe it was a brain bleed?
Wasn’t that his skull they were cutting into?

Edit: to accuse the bbc of being pathetically pc by including a couple of black actors is crazy!

I thought a stroke or aneurysm or something as he was taking drugs could have caused his blood pressure to rise. They didn’t really make it clear though.

Odd that he needs surgery ? For what he’s suffered ? Of course he does .
This a story about cocaine induced stroke amongst other things.
What is wrong with a woman having a friendly relationship with a homeless guy ? What was strange about her ?
Gere not well cast ?
I give up !

It’s no good arguing!! :smiley:
Attitudes are so entrenched right from the first ten minutes…

The wife is a strange character.
The wife is normal and level headed and sympathetic.

Gere is miscast.
Gere is brilliant as a mogul monster.

The BBC’s casting is pathetic.
The BBC’s casting is spot on.

The drama is pretentious twaddle.
The drama is intriguing and draws you in.

It’s marmite, I tell you!!!
Love it or hate it :-D:-D:-D

I thought Gere was pretty good as the mogul he had an air about him suited the part really well. The wife and the homeless man wasn’t that odd although the way she conducted herself at times was a bit stilted, but that might just be part of her character.

:lol: I suppose money can buy anything, not that I would want to see anyone I love being operated on.

Why not a Chinese PM in that case? :wink: