Retro Fads and Crazes

I wanted to like patchouli but I think I am allergic to it.

I remember the peacock feather thing. Along with having other dried grasses died various colours. I’ve since read that having peacock feathers in your house is unlucky - any bad luck stories to back this up? Apparently having a lilac bush in your garden is also unlucky. if there’s one thing from my childhood that I remember is my parents procuring lilac from a neighbour’s garden (with permission) and having bunches on our dining table exuding that heavenly odour. It must have been a 70s craze because you rarely see it growing these days.

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Wasn’t one of the painting by numbers kits called “ArtMaster”?

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Don’t think I ever saw a Tesco until I left home and went to Uni. In fact, I can’t recall seeing any supermarket until my late teens.

Our local greenshield stamp store eventually converted to an Argo, and later to a Rymans.

I remember the plastic rockets with weighted front ends. You’d put a cap in a particular place, throw the rocket up into the air, and it would land, nose-down and the cap would go bang!

There were cardboard “crackers” (or “snappers”), free, in comics, which, when wafted downwards, rapidly, would emit a loud, percussive CRACK!

I was a fanatical reader of “Hotspur”, “Dandy”, “Beano”, “Topper”, “Whiz”, “Boys World” and “TV 21”.

Also, I couldn’t walk past a creosoted fence without taking my time and going high from the smell of the creosote!

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…and who didn’t live in a house with a Tretchikoff print of The Green Lady in the 50s and 60s?



This was early 70s - Sainsbury’s still had counter service but Tesco was a new style store with shopping trolleys and the concept of the customer adding value to the business with self-service. Something we now take for granted was at the time the ultimate in business to customer delegation.

Still gives me the creeps for some reason. I think it was one of the pictures on the corridor of our school in the 80s

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who had this on their wall? I had a jigsaw puzzle of this as a child image

Funnily enough I don’t think I have ever seen that picture until today. Not that that means anything but I am not familiar with it. Who’s it by?

John William Waterhouse 1888

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Thanks, it looked Pre-Raphaelite, a style I like very much, but I can only assume he was a follower as I have not seen his work before.

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The Lady of Shalott
A great painting

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This reminds me of those paintings of the children with huge sad eyes and small faces, holding a puppy/kitten/flowers. I saw of a few of those when I was little and they always gave me the shivers. :frowning_face:

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I’m kind of glad you said that.
When I was a very young child this picture of Harriet used to hang on my bedroom wall, it actually gave me nightmares. Looking at it now I can’t begin to imagine why, kids tune into things in a different way I suppose.

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Haha! Trust you to come up with one of them! :joy: This looks really cute actually…and I know what you mean about viewing it as an adult. Maybe it was the eyes back when we were little…they are very starey, even the cat is glaring!

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That’s because the puppies, kittens and flowers are supposed to have heads! :rofl:

Remember when the must have for every boy was a cowboy gun and a roll of caps
How very un pc



But great fun

BANG :wink:

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The picture “wings of love” was a popular one . Two swans and a man and woman on a wing I think

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