Retro Fads and Crazes

One swan lol

Whatever happened to Athena poster stores?

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Did they sell the posters of the lady tennis player scratching her bum?

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They did.

I just googled it.

Are you back to being 14?, I think you are… :joy:

They retired on the profits of that picture lol


I wish decent posters were available, now…they’re tiny, now, and far too expensive!

What size would you like Ian? I didn’t think people had posters anymore…

This is a retro thread :wink:
I confess to having my walls plastered with Debbie Harry posters…no tennis in my room!!


anyone have these? I had loads of them…loved them!


I didn’t although it looks vaguely familiar.
Who is he?

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Gonks…these style are of the Beatles though.

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Yes it does look rather vintage.
My sister used to collect these, very popular in their day.

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Oh we used to call these trolls. Everyone I knew back in the 60s had at least one of these, often hanging from their schoolbags.

The gonks I remember in the 60s were oversized stuffies, sort of a cushion with feet and arms.

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Around 3 feet by 2.5 feet would be nice. I used to have 13 posters on my bedroom wall: Stephanie de Sykes, Cheryl Ladd, Lyndsey de Paul, Jane Seymour, Jaclyn Smith, etc…

(We’d better stop off-topicking the thread - oops!)

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Good grief!
This is what has been at the back of my mind …Glooks!
This one reminds me a bit of Roy Wood during his Wizard days.
We had a glook club at school, if you didn’t have a glook then your name was mud .

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Hands up anyone who had one of these on their keyring…
Esso Man

I will make no comment other than I pissed my self laughing when my kids were watching Agro.

Me! We had the one with the white horses paddling in the sea!! Came from Boots - I think.

So did I - loved pre-raphaelite art - still do!