Real people don't care about No 10 lockdown parties, says Commons leader Mark Spencer

Well, exactly! Good for her for spilling the beans. :rofl:

But I haven’t changed my mind so what have I got to admit?

And you have to have been wrong to admit you were wrong

And I’m right about GBNews :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And methinks you were right when you supported Labour and totally wrong now…. Perhaps you’ll have to admit that one day

Wetherspoons do treat their staff like dogs and I’ve never known anyone who worked there who didn’t hate it, as for his stand on Brexit :face_vomiting:

I suppose she doesn’t need to set foot in a Wetherspoons because what the food and drink are like isn’t what’s important to her, it’s the principle.

And even if they were brilliant she wouldn’t go in on principle because of the way the staff are exploited and the owner’s stance on Brexit?

Same for me, I’d never tune into GBNews on principle, whatever the content was like (but it sounds like it’s pretty dreadful :rofl:)

So well done to your friend for sticking to her principles and fair play, she does meet up with you at all, even if she won’t do Wetherspoons, so you must be good mates that don’t fall out over politics :+1:

So how come ALL the major newspapers have had to issue public apologies over untrue statements they made about Tim Martin and Wetherspoons.

I know people who have worked for Wetherspoons for decades and love their jobs.

Give us some examples of lies then Pixie. :wink:

That is just the response I expected Maree. Just because you say you are right doesn’t mean you are but you just keep telling yourself you are if you like!


FP, I’m not having a go at you…I’m just saying that I have heard some terrible stories that go on behind the scenes at that place. My upstairs neighbour works in the local one, and she hates it. She has kids and gets called in at the last minute because people don’t show up, or walk out due to the working conditions. Also didn’t the boss refuse to pay furlough and tell them to go and get a different job? This comes from a multi millionaire who could have easily given people enough pay to see them through until the furlough money came through.

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Thanks, I think I will :smiley:

Just like you can just keep telling yourself you’re right about Labour, Wetherspoons and GBNews, if you like.

But just because you say you’re right about those doesn’t mean you are right either does it?

Or doesn’t “Just because you say you are right doesn’t mean you are you say you are right doesn’t mean you are” cut both ways with you ? :rofl:


Boris is a very nasty piece of work.

He is breaking all the normal rules and throwing the lowest forms of human life, under the bus, without compensation, to save himself.

The normal rules are you keep quiet and you will be okay.

You might know different, but nothing will affect you, your pension or your family.

Boris has changed these rules, he has absolutely no regard for the ordinary people doing a job, they are just scum as far as he is concerned.

He is the Prince Andrew of Politics.

He is so arrogant that he will lose, the little people who he so despises will bring him down.

The lowest paid, but the ones who have all the evidence, the ones he treated like scum.

Boris complains that £250,000 a year is peanuts, not enough to live on.

His complete and utter contempt for ordinary people is what will bring him down.

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Some interesting topics have been raised but, IMO, they do not belong in this thread.

May I remind posters that the title of the thread is

“Real people don’t care about No 10 lockdown parties, says Commons leader Mark Spencer”

and the tags are

‘boris-johnson’, ‘covid-19’, ‘lies’ and ‘party-scandal’.

I guess that is what they want you to feel. The fact that people could not see those they loved who were dying because it was against the law is being erased from history.

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why have you centred the text? Its tres Bot

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Ah, you noticed it, then … :wink:

Evidently, otherwise I would not have mentioned it.

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I also wondered why it was posted like that, Annie :thinking:


How do you propose I will be able to remove him? “Chuck him out” is a broad sweeping statement that needs explaining Maree. My first chance will not occur until the next general election and until then the country still needs a PM.

Yep, I think Mark Spencer has hit the proverbial nail on the head…
I always considered the advice from Boris was good, and if I had an old person in hospital or a nursing home I could not have lived with myself if I had taken covid in with me while visiting them.
I don’t give a damn what Boris did (allegedly) I didn’t observe the advice because he made me do it. My life, and the lives of my family and friends are my responsibility, and as such I would take every precaution necessary to protect them.
Boris didn’t kill those people, covid did, but in a society where there has to be someone to blame, it might as well be Boris. I don’t like the bloke and didn’t vote him in at the last election, but I don’t think anyone else could have done any better considering the seriousness and speed which the virus spread.
In the event, nobody at the parties has died (or even been hospitalised) with covid, so I guess the precautions they took (which were never reported in any of the rags) seem to have worked.
Hoe easily the British public can be whipped up into a frenzy by the Media.
While you have taken your eye off the ball Boris is squaring up for a third world war with Russia and China, people are dying from the cold because they can’t afford to put their heating on when we are sitting on top of billions of tons of coal and shale gas.
Boris is wasting billions of pounds on HS2 and ridiculous green projects, and you complain about parties at Number 10…

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Many of my friends and family think the same as I do - it’s not the parties themselves that are the worst issue - it’s bad enough that the people who were creating the rules and laying down the law were busy breaking them but, what is much worse, in our opinion, is that the Prime Minister blatantly tried to lie his way out of it when the parties came to light.

I think he did try to mis-lead the House and the public about not knowing about any parties, which would normally be a matter for resignation.
His post-Report “apology” had a hollow ring, and his attempt to save his own skin by getting rid of all the senior people he had appointed around him, to make it seem like he is addressing the issue, leaves me wondering how anyone could want such a person as the Prime Minister.
What happened to the buck stopping at the top?

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Sorry. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. I do hate it though when people post stuff that is complete lies which they spread around even though they know it’s not true but hope that some mud sticks.

i will say no more.


No that’s not true. check it out yourself.

that is why all the major newspapers had to issue him a public apology.

Done now.

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This is definitely a media driven frenzy. There is today a politically driven media undertow bent on damaging this government as much as possible, but unfortunately many of the easily led and blinkered public fall into line behind some of the media.


Indeed, BJ was a serial liar before he was PM and he’s managed to keep that status throughout his term of office … :+1:

Perhaps his family motto is “Mendacium et Negare” … :thinking:

Mark Spencer’s could well be “Videre non Mendacium” … :icon_rolleyes: