Real people don't care about No 10 lockdown parties, says Commons leader Mark Spencer

But that’s the whole point, tough times ahead. Post Brexit troubles, war with Russia, fuel poverty, inflation, environmental disasters, all ahead of us

So why would anyone want to trust the despicable Johnson to lead us through that. Partygate has shown that he’s a self serving liar who thinks nothing of lying to Parliament to save his neck and that the law is for us peasants and not him

And issues like the decorating of his flat and others suggest he may well be corrupt as well

And war with Russia and fuel and food poverty could well kill off hundreds of thousands of us

Do you really want a man who is proven to have no integrity leading us through it?

Would you literally trust him with your life?

Because I ruddy wouldn’t and I think those who are ganging up to keep him in office are guilty of putting all our lives at risk

Partygate is important not so much for the parties themselves but because it’s shown clearly what a untrustworthy, insincere, self-serving, amoral, corrupt lying toad he is

And such a man isn’t fit to lead our country through difficult times ahead

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As I’ve previously stated, I’m bored with it in the same way as I wouldn’t watch a repeat film/TV programme. There’s been the Gray report. There’s the police investigation underway. I’m more interested in that we are now out of lockdowns, etc. The way forward for the country.

There’s no comparison between Boris going to a party and people not being able to see their dying loved ones, that to me is just using emotions to blacken his name and find it disgusting. Have already stated, I’ve lost two people due to covid, I couldn’t see my mum who as Alzheimers for nearly two years and didn’t know whether she’d know who I was the next time I saw her.

If when he was in hospital himself he had family come and visit him, I might think you had a point as that would be an equal comparison. But a party that occurred two years ago, I question why they weren’t brought to the attention at the time. There’s supposedly 300+ photographs, don’t you think it sounds a bit whiffy why none of them came to light at the time. Because I sure do.

I’ve also stated that majority of the public were out on their doorsteps every Thursday evening clapping for the carers and I’ve seen TV shots of not much social distancing going on. Also there were VE Day parties going on in 2020. I bet there’s not many people who can say they didn’t break the rules at all.

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The “party” issue is just one of several that highlight the complete absence of morality and the disdain for legality that characterises BJ and his government. So far, in his term of office, BJ’s got away with treating mugs as chumps but, now, some mugs are beginning to see that they’ve been treated as chumps and they don’t like it … :009:

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That is exactly the point. Not being able to see your mum because of rules the Govt put into place while the Govt were breaking them themselves to do trivial things like mingle and drink champers at a Christmas party then treating someone who wanted to go into an ambulance with a dying relative or visit someone in a care home as criminals. It’s an insult to the population.


I’ve already stated I don’t think this is a comparison. I’m not angry about him doing that because it’s not comparable and loads of people did similar. But if he’d had family visit him whilst he was in hospital, then yes, I would have been annoyed.

I’m not making a comparison. Rules were broken while other people suffered by following those rules. That’s a slap in the face to people who wanted to do the right thing.


Yup and as I’ve already pointed out those rules were broken 2 years ago and over 300+ photos taken so why wait until now to bring them to light. If those who had the photos really cared, wouldn’t you say they would have published them back then, why wait until now.

And as I’ve already stated I was one of them effected and find it insulting that people are telling me the way that I should feel and all this carrying on is just bringing the pain and memories back just for political gain. Also as I’ve already stated, if he’d had visitors whilst in hospital, then yes, I’d have been annoyed, but all this partygate stuff is just for political gains and is cruel to use comparisons such as visiting dying relatives, etc as it is no way a comparison and all it does is causes pain, for those who have lost.

EXACTLY!! :ok_hand::+1: This is basically some very sour grapes dredging up anything that can be (mis)used to create an undertow and bring down a legally elected government. This had Cummins’ stamp all over it. It has absolutely nothing to do with events either real or conjured up, but it’s all about revenge where one man will stop at nothing in his perpetual attempt to seek BJ’s head as his prize.


Well, Durham Police have already swept Capt Hindsight’s indiscretion under the bloody carpet so, why not?

Exactly, even the right-leaning media (what little there is of it) is as guilty as the leftist media in this respect IMO.

I find what Pixie said her friend had said about Wetherspoons a little disconcerting so, I’ve been doing some digging and have found this page amongst the many on its website: People - J D Wetherspoon

It seems to me that Pixies’ friend might have been one of the few that are on a no fixed hours contract. The link I’ve provided even gives a link to Wetherspoons’ Gender Pay Gap Report for 2020.

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A lifetime ago my paternal grandparents had the tenancies of two London pubs and occassionally they would ‘staff’ either of the premises from a list of casual bar staff. No such thing as employment contracts in the 40’s into the 50’s; that was simply turn up and get paid or not - the choice was down to those invited to turn up. Really, the only thing that has changed is now a piece of paper exists that tells you.

But the motives of the people bringing it up and revealing the photos doesn’t matter.

Nor does it matter how long ago it was

All that matters is that it reveals very clearly just what sort of amoral man Johnson is

And that he’s prepared to lie to Parliament to cover his backside

And how anyone can want a man like that as PM leading our country through the is completely beyond my understanding


Well said … :+1:

If you don’t mind, I’ll borrow “amoral” for another day - IIRC, I have never used that in connection with BJ but it’s a perfect fit … :grinning:

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That just about sums up what being a politician is all about, except Heseltine puts it in the parenthesis of being economical with the truth.

These things always come out when they are needed and it must be felt by members previously loyal to him that his time is up. I mean same was true of the Hancock vid was it not a few months later?

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Yup so it was done for malicious reasons and not caring about the general public and those who don’t like Boris are all jumping on the bandwagon.

perhaps it was suppressed at the time because they did not want people to be disillusioned and ignore the restrictions when it would have been a serious problem given infection rates.

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But how does any of that makes any difference to what he did and what he is?

The important thing is that the way he thought himself above the law and lied to everyone has been exposed

And querying the motives of the people who brought this to light doesn’t make him any better or any more suited to be PM

It’s just away of trying to muddy the waters and deflect the blame

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Yeah and pigs might fly

That might be the way you see it, but it’s not the way I see it.

And I didn’t envy any of the world leaders with what they’ve been through so it’s not just Boris, they’ve all had difficult decisions to make.

Didn’t one of the scottish ministers resign just for driving across the country in lockdown?

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