Yer, same here Jazzi…
Just cashed in my ISA.
Was for £20k which I have received £150 in interest in the past year
Invested the Money in PB brining my holding up to just over £40k.
Interest rate on PB is 1.40% compared the ISA one at 0.75%
I hope you have better luck with your new investment next year, Galty
When and where do you get to see the accrued interest on Premium Bonds? I’ve had quite a few for very many years and have never once seen any interest…and sadly not many prizes either!
I don’t think it works like that Lindy there is no accrued interest just the possibility of prizes.
They pay 1.4% interest on all the Bonds held, some winners get a better return than that and some don’t.
Blimey I didn’t know that Galty… thankyou
Oh no they don’t!
“Interest rates
No interest earned. Instead, the interest rate funds a monthly prize draw for tax-free prizes.”
The thing is Galty you have to check your ISA to make sure they haven’t reduced it .
Every year they bring out a new product .
They dont tell loyal customers these things .
So checked my ISA last week and found it was now 0.50 % yet they had an new one out at 1.45 %
It only took minutes on line to change but it was my own fault for not checking earlier .
This was with Virgin money .
Their rates are at the moment .
Instant access 1.45%
One year fixed 1.51%
But with PB there is always the chance of a big win !
My ISA are in investment funds so no set rate. I do check bank account rates and swap them though…banks show no loyalty at all so neither do I to them.
I have one of those too .
It’s just plummeted as the Stock Market has taken a nose dive
Yup…but keep your nerve Muddy it will be ok…she said with fingers crossed
Hope so
That’s as I said but you censored my whole retort.
Will state again PBs return on all bonds held 1.4% interested on bonds held to be paid to bond winners, some more than others.
Two years ago my winnings returned a 3.7%
This year was just under 1% but better than my ISA
REALLY? I thought your post read:
"Just cashed in my ISA.
Was for £20k which I have received £150 in interest in the past year
Invested the Money in PB brining my holding up to just over £40k.
Interest rate on PB is 1.40% compared the ISA one at 0.75%"
White man speak with forked tongue!!
I bet you play the Lottery.
Wrong again!! But I deal only with facts!
Enjoy your interest!
Good… so at last you accept the FACT that PB pay 1.40% interest.
It needs to be stated factually…Premium Bonds do NOT pay interest. However, 1.4% interest funds a monthly prize draw!
Your premium bonds do NOT accrue interest! FACT!