Well that was a killer!
As I intended – and it’s a very good way of fulfilling your ambitions to write your promises down on here first – I completed two sessions back to back this afternoon in just over two hours. But I nearly died doing it – or it felt like it anyway!:shock:
I forgot all about alternating the push and pull body areas and started from the top of my programme with push (chest/triceps), making my way down the list. Some pieces of apparatus were inevitably occupied as it was Friday afternoon, but no worries about changing the order with so many exercises to choose from. I’ll submit more notes as I go on with my write-up:
Friday, 16 Feb 18
(Three sets of each exercise; Previous reps in brackets)
Routine 1: Push:
DB press, 15° incline, 20kg:
Smith flat bench press, 35kg:
*Upped the weight 5kg from this time on, so previous reps are void.
Shoulder press, 30kg:
Chest press, 35kg:
Pec dec, 30kg:
Triceps pulldown, 41kg:
Single DB press, flat bench, 42kg:
*Upped the weight from previous 40kg. Again, previous reps are void.
Tricep extensions, 40kg:
*Weight increased by 5kg to 40 this time.
At this point I had done 1hr 10mins solid training with very little rest between sets and I was ready to ditch the double session idea and head off to the changing rooms for my shower. It was then I started talking to a mate for a couple of minutes and he urged me to get back in there and see if I can carry on and do a bit more, maybe a couple of exercises. I looked at my programme and thought “Okay, why the hell not?!”, and so started on the bicep work thinking if all fails, at least my arms have had a good workout. In the event I ended up doing the full lot.
Routine 2: Pull:
E-Z preacher curl, 85° arm pad (low pull position), close grip, 23kg:
*The final couple of reps had to be paused at the top and forced out of my arms until they were ready to explode. Managed it though!
E-Z preacher curl, 45° arm pad (standard position), wide grip, 18kg:
*An additional exercise, just to destroy those guns even more.
Lat pulldown, hammer bar, 35kg:
Lat pulldown, underarm grip, 35kg:
*This and the above exercise were the only two exercises of the day I couldn’t complete the proposed reps. They are back exercises, which must mean I need more isolation work there possibly.
Seated row, 41kg:
*Started to get my mojo back again.
Machine bicep curls, 25kg:
Ab crunch, 40kg:
30x40, 30x40, 30x40
Fly dec, forward pull, 50kg:
*Going much heavier on this final exercise. Pulling inwards with the arms.
Time: 2hr. 5min.
Apart from the one exercise where I was just too tired to make my goals, I surpassed all my previous reps. My arms are dead but that’s a good sign as it means they are very well exercised and likely to show some improvement.
Not blowing my own trumpet but I’m extra pleased because I did two sessions, so I know that there’s still plenty left in the tank at 53 to do this kind of hammering and I very much doubt there were many lads in the gym today of any age doing an hour never mind two.
I’m enjoying doing these light weights now that I’ve got the strength aspect out of my mind. Even with these exercises which involve pushing yourself to the max, to failure point, it builds harder and more defined muscle than simply putting on the bulk, so that’s my way forward from now on. Plus, I’m not losing any strength too so it’s a bonus.
The only thing I will do though is set myself a “respectable and practical target” instead of trying to beat the previous session’s best. I’m finding already that it’s extremely difficult to sustain never mind improve on a highest figure. So instead of a ‘previous’ figure, there will be a more sensible ‘target figure’ to reach, sometimes beyond that if it’s there. I will be working just as hard, but instead of killing myself, I won’t need to go “to failure” on every single set - that is a waste of energy and will not any improvement in my health or fitness.
Finished off with a sunbed and a sauna.
Home now for an evening of relaxation with a curry, a few Crabbies Ginger ales and a DVD night with Mrs. Floydy.
Take care all and enjoy your weekends:cool: