Cosmos, the minute you walk out the door, you are already making gains, fighting off joint issues, burning extra calories, and most importantlhy exercising your heart. I know your husband depends on you being strong, but how nice that you can have some time for yourself - especially on the beach.
Tara, since being struck by lightning pretty much negates all of the reasons we exercise, it’s wise to not take any chances.
OGF, I didn’t realize that ligaments are affected by the cold. One more reason for me to dress like an eskimo most days. I completely empathize with your injury and hope that it is minor and short-lived. You seem to be wise in how you are approaching your recovery - rest most of all. While you aren’t able to give us your brilliant descriptive reports, you are making up for it in spades with your informative and encouraging posts.
Awww, but what a shame about Saturday. All these weeks of Saturday-Night-Fever-John-Travolta dancing that you have been practicing is naught! I am sure that Charlotte, Mrs. OGF, and the other guests had been counting on it and are deeply disappointed. How will anyone have a good time now?
Seriously though, you and Mrs. OGF take it easy and I hope you both feel well enough to enjoy yourselves. You know I share a love for a good driving adventure, so I hope the traffic is light and the weather cooperative. I may drive up Sunday to see my son, have lunch, and then drive back. It’s about eight hours of driving, but good music and Ruthios suggested podcasts will be entertaining soundtracks to while away the miles.
Ruthio, a good cup of coffee and conversation is a fine reward for exercise. Better than the beer that my running group always sought after our outings! Doesn’t that seem a little self-defeating? They teased me unmercifully for being Water With Lemon.
Today was first of a long stretch of promised warmish days, when I awoke to find the mercury rising I felt like a child on Christmas morning. With the sun on my shoulders and breezes but a whisper, I drove the extra few miles to be able to run the salt marshes this afternoon.
A lone snowy egret greeted me near the starting line, I set my watch, and let my feet and lungs start their bargaining before I settled into a fast but easy past. This trail is unimproved, which makes for more of a plodding run in the soft, rich organic soil, but I am sure my joints would be grateful for a break from rigid asphalt. That said, it’s so much easier than soft sand running that I told that little nagging voice to stop fussing, and switched my attention to three hawks swirling in a thermal draft and the mullet with their silvery leaps. At the end of today’s 10K, I was satisfied with my pace, and grateful that despite the rust, my cold is gone and nothing is bent or broken.
Thank you all for your nice comments about my painting. You are right OGF, with the music filling the house, the dogs stretched out in the sun, I can lose myself in the painting as much as running. Mostly it’s an exercise in making mistakes and fixing them - an exercise in problem solving .