Post your daily exercise routine

Cosmos, the minute you walk out the door, you are already making gains, fighting off joint issues, burning extra calories, and most importantlhy exercising your heart. I know your husband depends on you being strong, but how nice that you can have some time for yourself - especially on the beach.

Tara, since being struck by lightning pretty much negates all of the reasons we exercise, it’s wise to not take any chances. :smiley:

OGF, I didn’t realize that ligaments are affected by the cold. One more reason for me to dress like an eskimo most days. I completely empathize with your injury and hope that it is minor and short-lived. You seem to be wise in how you are approaching your recovery - rest most of all. While you aren’t able to give us your brilliant descriptive reports, you are making up for it in spades with your informative and encouraging posts.

Awww, but what a shame about Saturday. All these weeks of Saturday-Night-Fever-John-Travolta dancing that you have been practicing is naught! I am sure that Charlotte, Mrs. OGF, and the other guests had been counting on it and are deeply disappointed. How will anyone have a good time now?

Seriously though, you and Mrs. OGF take it easy and I hope you both feel well enough to enjoy yourselves. You know I share a love for a good driving adventure, so I hope the traffic is light and the weather cooperative. I may drive up Sunday to see my son, have lunch, and then drive back. It’s about eight hours of driving, but good music and Ruthios suggested podcasts will be entertaining soundtracks to while away the miles.

Ruthio, a good cup of coffee and conversation is a fine reward for exercise. Better than the beer that my running group always sought after our outings! Doesn’t that seem a little self-defeating? :102: They teased me unmercifully for being Water With Lemon.

Today was first of a long stretch of promised warmish days, when I awoke to find the mercury rising I felt like a child on Christmas morning. With the sun on my shoulders and breezes but a whisper, I drove the extra few miles to be able to run the salt marshes this afternoon.

A lone snowy egret greeted me near the starting line, I set my watch, and let my feet and lungs start their bargaining before I settled into a fast but easy past. This trail is unimproved, which makes for more of a plodding run in the soft, rich organic soil, but I am sure my joints would be grateful for a break from rigid asphalt. That said, it’s so much easier than soft sand running that I told that little nagging voice to stop fussing, and switched my attention to three hawks swirling in a thermal draft and the mullet with their silvery leaps. At the end of today’s 10K, I was satisfied with my pace, and grateful that despite the rust, my cold is gone and nothing is bent or broken.

Thank you all for your nice comments about my painting. You are right OGF, with the music filling the house, the dogs stretched out in the sun, I can lose myself in the painting as much as running. Mostly it’s an exercise in making mistakes and fixing them - an exercise in problem solving :lol:.

What a lovely painting Surfermom.
That first one really brings him alive - smashing.
Clever girl. :slight_smile:

Surfermom, I echo what the others have said. That painting is beautifully done. I had to double take it at first, it’s almost like a photograph. very nice indeed:cool:

Back with a fully revised programme which I’d been toying with the past week; three sets, same weight on each, light-ish weights, as many reps as possible until I feel the ‘burn’. I tried it out today and the only adjustments I may need to make are to one or two exercises which need upping 5kg due to there being too many reps as it’s best to go heavier than waste time repping until there’s no tomorrow. Obviously as time goes on with this programme I’ll get stronger too as I go along, so as the reps become more, the weight will increase.

* A slight change to the way I’ve noted down my routine. As I’m not changing the weight on each exercise, I’ve added the poundage to the description line, then the reps for each set are noted underneath.

Saturday, 10 Feb 18

DB press, 15° bench, 20kg:

Smith, flat bench, 30kg:

Shoulder press, 30kg:

Chest press, 35kg:

Pec dec, 30kg:

Fwd. Fly dec, 50kg:

Triceps pulldown, backrest, 41kg:

Rope pulldown, front, 35kg:

Single DB press, flat bench, 40kg:

Tricep extensions, 35kg:

Ab crunch, 40kg:

This worked absolutely fine and it took just over an hour which means it would be perfectly suitable for mid-week work when I don’t have that much time. Already I’m noting that a couple of the exercises above need a weight increase.
I just need to devise a routine for the ‘pull’ work (back, biceps etc), which I will be doing either tomorrow or Monday.

Tonight I’m out at my best mate’s 70th birthday function, so depending on the quantity and quality of real ale sampled…well, we’ll see how I feel tomorrow!:confused:

Thanks for reading, enjoy your weekends.:slight_smile:

  • Bob, I hope you’re feeling better and that you enjoy your night out tonight bud:cool:

Floydy, it looks like that you are close to having this segment of your new routine just right. You certainly show that it’s possible to get a gym workout in with the busy demands of work and family. :023: Do you feel good mentally about this new program?

Speedwork was the name of the game today, as much because of the looming rain as training. Not one to typically focus on pace, I’ll be happy to get back into carefree running in a couple of weeks.

Today’s run was in the nearby sportsplex that has an excellent new soft-surface track - perfect for pushing the limits while reducing risk of injuring my sketchy knee. The only thing that keeps me from running there more often is the tedium of repetitive ovals.
Thanks again for the encouragement on the painting. There have been times when it has been as mentally beneficial as the exercise.

Hi Surfermom. Just caught me before I tuck myself in!

Yes, you’re right. I’m at a happy point with my training. Something I’ve finally found that suits my time frame and keeps me physically feeling great also. Time will tell but I think it’s gonna be good for me :slight_smile:

Inside on a track sounds like an alternative when the weather may not be up to scratch, but I can imagine it becomes rather dull going round and round like an Indy 500 racer!
Nice to try something new though :slight_smile:


Your painting is truly staggering, what a talent.

My exercise regime yesterday was trying to keep up with three very energetic littlies.

Very tiring but fun, especially the cushion fights, I was the target.:smiley:

Back to the daily regime tomorrow.

Floydy, do you see that you have achieved one of your goals? Sometime back you were frustrated with your regimen, and now you’ve rebuilt it altogether and are happy with the new plan. How are you doing on the nutritional front?

Swimfeeders, the whole reason we stay fit is spend our time exactly like you did yesterday with your little ones. Kids absolutely love it when the older people in their lives can play with them on their level - and they remember it forever. My kids still talk about some of the best times with their grandfathers as when they jumped in the baby pool with them, chased them around the room, went canoeing, etc. You are making happy memories SF…so you’d better get back with the program tomorrow! :smiley:

I’m glad you like the painting. Not exactly staggering, but I’m enjoying working on it. I have very little talent, actually, just determination and having had some time this week to paint, fix, pain, fix…

I may have to call the forum to float an ark this way as we are now in day three of nonstop rain. With the river rising, though not concerningly so, I decided to stick tight and run “dreadmill” with whom I have a love/hate relationship. It was all well and good until one of my dogs, terrified of thunder, stepped on the belt while I was going full speed, sending her off to one side and me grabbing for the rails and hopping around like the floor was on fire. Aside from nearly having heart attack, no harm to either of us and lesson learned. I have no idea what I did to deserve a guardian angel with such a wicked sense of humor but I have one :twisted::-p. Step aerobics is next. Yay!

I’m very happy with things right now, Surfermom. Thanks :slight_smile:
I was getting rather down in the dumps with various parts of my life, which affected my responses in some areas of this forum too.

My ‘diet’ is going well too. I’m sticking largely to my regime of healthy-ish snacks during the night, though at weekends I will relax things a little; a few pints, maybe a pizza etc.

Training is going great too. I’ve added another box to my own template which I use at the gym while I’m training to note down the details of each session (which is then posted here). The extra ‘box’ is for my previous session figures, and if I have that as a guideline, I can then force myself to do a few more reps each time or add weight.

All going well thanks again :slight_smile:

I shall be at one of my Yoga classes at 10 a.m. in the morning, and then another exercise class at 2 pm. for an hour - walking my dogs in between.

I like to exercise in a group atmosphere, I like the company.

That’s great, Mups! Let us know how it goes. I enjoy aerobics classes with other people, but when I am running, I have to do it by myself - no people, no phone - just me against me. It’s just too hard to maintain similar paces.

I always win…and lose.:mrgreen:

Thanks Surfermom. I try to to do my Yoga 3 x per week, Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays, then the other gentler exercise on Monday afternoons as well. So that’s 5 hours a week usually.

I did try a Zumba class a while back, but the music was deafening, and that put me off. :slight_smile:


Floydy, nothing wrong with your diet plan.

There is a dietician at my weekly clinic, a very down to earth lady, a farmers wife.

She reminds you that as you get older you burn less calories and the more you weigh, the more stress you put on your joints, so the less exercise you can do.

It is all about the balance and educating yourself, calories in and calories out.

She is a great advocate of one day off a week, that way you satisfy your cravings and are far more likely to stick to healthy eating the rest of the week.

Sunday is my day off, it works for me.

She is not an advocate of weighing yourself, as she points out, muscle weighs more than fat and weighing yourself can be very disheartening.

It is inches you need to lose, so you get some clothes one size smaller and make sure you can fit in them, then repeat the process.

It works.

Thanks Swimmy :slight_smile: Good advice.
I’m not overweight, I’m just not giving in to a little excess weight going on the belly that’s all. I’m happy with my diet plans too but after working a week on bloody nights I also look forward to a few beers at the weekend. Nothing in excess, just making sure I keep my friends and a social life. Otherwise life would be extremely dull and miserable.
So I’d rather have that and an extra inch on the waistline than living a sad and desperate existence. :slight_smile:

Today was the third and final part of my new programme to determine what my starting reps are going to be and what I need to beat next time I go for a workout.

It was back/lats/biceps this afternoon and it was interesting to see how long the session would take me, which was only 40 minutes and fine for a Monday. The effort was there and it felt good but I’ll be moving a couple of the ‘push’ exercises into this one next time to even things out.
As before, three sets of each exercise:

Monday, 12 Feb 18

Lat pulldown, hammer bar, 35kg:

Lat pulldown, underarm, 35kg:

Machine curls, both arms, 25kg:

Ab crunch, 40kg:

Seated row, 41kg:

E-Z preacher curl, 85° vertical pull, 23kg:
*This is a great exercise. The seated preacher bench with an almost vertical setting for the arm pad ensures the arms are lowered with the bar just before they lock out, but not quite. Puts almighty strain on the full length of the bicep muscles.

E-Z preacher curl, 45° standard pull, 18kg
Fwd. fly dec (moved from ‘push’ programme)
*These exercises are to add next time. Noted just so I remember to add to my list!

It’s oh soooo tempting to go heavy, but I have to restrict those thoughts and stick with my programme. The arm curls are especially light but I must keep telling myself that I’m going for reps and stamina, rather than endurance and strength but the way I’ve devised this programme – going for max reps possible – I’ll see a good combination of everything.

These routines will work for me just fine as I can split them between three days. They don’t take much time either, although the chest/triceps (push) session is designed for the weekend when I have more time to spare.

I’ll catch up with your posts later on folks :slight_smile:

Floydy, that’s a solid way to round out your overall program. It will be interesting to see what you think after six weeks or so.

I’m in the last few days cutting back on calories. While the 6K is the short term reason for the hardcore dietary changes, it’s more about the long term. I’ve been procrastinating about re-establising good eating habits that I tend to send on an South American vacation around Christmas.

We are socked in with fog right now, so I am running the beach in a little while. The eeriily quiet calmness of running through clouds is magical, and it seems to go by in half the time. No speedwork today, but I am running, actually pushing, a healthy eight. That said, it’s probably better not to count my chickens…

Mups, I couldn’t help but laugh about your Zumba experience. It wasn’t the music that bothered me the first time I took a clas, but the fact that I was ever going right when everyone else was going…left :roll::lol:

Thanks Surfermom. Yes, I think six weeks is a good target to measure my progress. I’m thinking my fitness levels should be pretty good by then if I continue adding those extra reps. It’s a good system because when I find myself feeling as though it’s getting too easy with too many I can simply add some weight instead.
It also depends on if I’m too tired or I haven’t rested enough, so these three sessions per week should be just about right. Legs today.

How could you see where you were running in the fog, Surfermom? I’d be a little scared I think not to mention feeling very cold. All credit to you though for battling the elements and going for it :slight_smile:

Mups - Great to hear that you’re enjoying your walking club, and Swimmy: Slowly but surely bud you will get there.

Bob - how are you bud? Feeling any better?

Well its been a couple of months since I was on this forum and coming back to this thread has been amazing. We all have our way of getting moving and staggering into middle age. Aggghhh I hate saying that, but its an over 50 forum and so it has to be said…oh yes it does.

For me, after falling over in the woods and my daughter banning me from running until after her wedding things have calmed down. She had the wintery twinkly wedding she has always wanted and she looked amazing on the day. We even got a sprinkling of snow which was the icing on the cake lol. I had one faux pax when I got my heel stuck in the hem of my velvet maxi coat and apparently was caught chatting up the barman at midnight…

Since then I have been doing mainly strengthening and toning exercises and lots of yoga. But my PT and I went running yesterday and we did a 5 and 2. Sprint for five minutes and walk for two. We did this for an hour and I felt good.

What a lovely post, Cedronella! Best wishes to your daughter. Her wedding sounds like it was a lovely affair - minus the minor hitch or two.

I remember you mentioning that you had been sidelined from a fall. Do you think that your strengthening and yoga work sped up your recovery? It’s an important lesson to the rest of us when an injury gets the better of us to keep moving - whatever that looks like. :smiley:

Congratulations on your speedwork and walking efforts today. I am thrilled for you - you’re back! I’m looking forward to hearing about your training.

Floydy dear, I think you’re getting me muddled up? :slight_smile:

I did my hour’s exercise on Monday morning, then took my dogs out, then did another hour in the afternoon.
That was enough for me for one day. :slight_smile:

My apologies, Mups. I meant Cosmos :slight_smile: