Post your daily exercise routine

Lol :wink:

Yes a personal trainer might be the thing :smiley: Sounds scary thouh :cry:
How do you find someone you like ? That’s a big problem to start with.

I am a wimp


Because he has MOOBS ? :mrgreen:

runs for cover

Rock solid pecs of steel, Rachel. I kid you not:roll:

I don’t doubt it but they’re bigger than mine :-p

I had a yearning to be a bloke with Tits once, but if you are lacking in the Maximus Gluteus department, don’t matter how big your Tits are, you just become unbalanced.

I’m not saying a word…I’ll only get a slap in the face;-)

Well I train my legs a lot too, so perhaps my ‘maximus gluteus’ isn’t too badly formed as well. I like to be well proportioned. These lads who just train their top half look ridiculous, quite frankly.:cool:

Managed 36 curls repetitions in one minute nonstop with a 20kg barbell this afternoon. Not an easy task.

Hell Floydy, I did 30 curls with a 7kg dumb bell and couldn’t straighten my arm for a week.

Hi buddy:-) Yes, it’s hard work isn’t it?
Even more difficult is the variation where you do 5 sets on the 20kg BB: As many as poss in one minute with 2 minutes rest inbetween. Arms are like lead after all that lot!:shock:

The trouble with photos taken of outdoor exercise routes is that they just look like another country scene. They tend not to show how steep hills are, nor convey just how knackering it was to cycle up that hill without giving up and walking.

Photos don’t show what it took to ride down that bumpy hill without falling off. When to brake, when to let go, when to twist and the sheer concentration needed in sizing up a stone or a dent on a downward run …and the necessarily instant decision on how best to navigate each yard. Keeps my body and brain active anyway. :slight_smile:

Nonetheless, I was going to post a couple of photos here but blinkin’ Photobucket is acting up again! I’ll post some later.

Here are a few photos of our riding routes. Not sure if I’ve shown these particular ones before. Sorry if they are duplicated:

The Fitbit reckons I did 976500 paces in October, this was only outside the house, if all paces were counted I probably busted the 1 million.


And covered 465 miles.

That sounds quite incredible really, Spitfire!:cool:
Is that just general everyday activity, walking to the shops etc? 15.5 miles per day is some feat:-)

Another day at the office Spitty…:-p

Yes OGF, about 75% of it is due to two of the jobs I do, and 25% is recreational.

Isn’t it about time the recreational bit was 75% and the job’s bit was 25% Spitty? :-(:-(:frowning:

Still got 7 I/2 years on the mortgage.

I haven’t posted any of my gym sessions for a while, so here’s a full list of all six from the past week. All weights in kilogrammes.
A full write-up can be found on my MuscleTalk page.

Sunday 6/11/16
Push #2:

BB press (warm-up): 20x35

Bench: 5x50, 5x50, 5x50, 5x50, 12x60, 8x70

Bench, c/g: 12x40, 12x40, 12x40

Shoulder press: 8x50, 8x50, 8x60, 6x70, 5x80

Chest press: 8x70, 8x80, 6x90, 5x100, 25x40 high reps

Triceps extensions: 12x50, 10x60, 6x70, 25x30 high reps

Ab crunch: 10x60, 10x70, 10x80, 20x50

Time: 55mins.

Monday 7/11/16
Legs #2:

Seated (horizontal) leg press: 25x100, 15x120, 25x100, 15x180, 25x100, 15x200, 25x100, 15x200, 25x100, 15x200
Calf press (using bottom of leg press plate): 25x140, 16x150, 11x160

Good girls: 36x60, 26x60, 20x60

Bad girls: 26x60, 18x60, 19x60

Extensions: 20x40, 15x60, 20x40, 15x80, 20x40, 7x100, 15x40, 6x100, 15x40, 5x100

Time: 35mins.

Wednesday 9/11/16
Pull #2:

Seated machine arm curl, alt.: 12x25, 12x35, 10x40, 8x45, 6x50 PB

Seated row, hammer bar: 10x53, 10x59, 10x65, 10x71, 10x77 PB

Single-arm low row, alt.: 8x80, 8x90, 8x100, 5x105, 5x110

DB curls, alt.:

  •  Hammer: 6x16, 6x17.5, 6x17.5
  •  Concentration: 5x20, 5x20
  •  Preacher, standing (top of bench): 5x22, 5x24
  •  Preacher, seated (preacher curl bench): 5x26

Rope face pulls: 10x47, 10x53

E-Z curl, seated: 25x23 high reps, 25x18 high reps

Lat pulldown, underarm: 8x70, 8x70, 4x80

Time: 1 hour.

Thursday 10/11/16
Push #1:

Single DB raise, flat bench (hands interlocked around top inner end): 25x32 w/u, 34x50, 25x50, 22x50, 21x50, 22x50

Shoulder press: 8x50, 8x50, 8x60, 6x70, 6x75, 6x80


  •  Incline 60°: 5x50, 5x50, 5x55
  •  Incline 30°: 5x60, 2x70, 
  •  Push press, c/g 15°: 12x40, 12x40

Triceps pulldown, c/g: 8x77, 6x83, 5x89, 25x47 high reps, 30x30 high reps

Ab crunch: 10x60, 10x70, 10x80, 20x50

Time: 55 mins.

Friday 11/11/16
Pull #1 + Legs #1 (“2-in-1” double):

Lat pulldowns:

  •  Wide grip: 10x50, 10x50, 10x60
  •  Hammer bar: 10x60, 10x60, 10x70
  •  Underarm close grip: 8x70, 8x75, 5x80

Incline leg press: 20x150, 20x200, 15x250, 12x300, 12x300, 12x300, 14x350

BB curl, standing: 10x30, 10x30, 10x35

Hack squat: 6x200, 6x200, 6x220, 4x260

E-Z preacher curl, low vertical pull, seated: 8x38, 8x38, 6x48, 4x53, 25x18 high reps

BB Forearm reverse curl: 12x15, 12x15, 8x20, 8x20

Seated ham curls: 12x50, 12x50, 12x50, 6x75, 6x80, 25x35 high reps

Time: 1hr. 25mins.

Saturday 12/11/16
Extra session (mainly chest):

Pec dec: 12x50, 12x50, 12x50, 12x50

Cables push:
10x36 upward curl, 10x36 centre pull inwards, 10x36 push down

DB press, 15° incline bench: 8x24’s, 8x26’s

Incline bench press: 20xbar, 8x40, 8x50

E-Z bar behind head tricep raises: 10x28, 10x28, 10x28

DB flys, 15° bench: 8x16’s, 8x16’s, 8x16’s

Shoulder press: 12x60, 12x60, 12x60

Time: 45 mins.

Impressive Floydy :slight_smile:

I do twenty knee bends using the banister as support when I go to bed .
Miniscule effort compared to yours I know but it is better than nothing :slight_smile: