Planes Bikes and Automobiles

Just imagine it Max, out on site, sun shining, awning extended “Cooking on Gas” :grin:

Chances are it will be very windy

That’s not a problem, we will be going on a Friday and coming back Monday :laughing:

Seriously, I found this out today at the Camping place. I asked for a Hose to connect the external gas point to one of the camping hobs on their display and was told you can’t connect them up. The fittings on the camping hobs are compatible only with the small butane cannisters
The external gas point on the MOHO is a Barbeque point, the external barbeques have a compatible fitting so, to avoid using the onboard cooker, we will carry a butane bottle to feed the camping hob

Did you not pass the onboard cooker test before you bought it :kissing_closed_eyes:

Its never been used, seems a shame to spoil it :grin:

Can’t wait to get a snap of the sausages on the Barbeque, Al Fresco :icon_wink:

so Al or nothing

That don’t look very Al Fresco d00d

more like al burnto

aye eye deepfake to keep you entertained :smiley:

This is more like it


this is more like it

Don’t think it will come to that :laughing: :grin: :smile:

hope for the best prepare for the worst

Calmness, no substitute for it :smile:

are you goin or NOT?? ffs man get yaself organized or calorized or butanized or somebodies eyes!!

Bret, I’m goin to make this as simple as I can, just for you :grin: Our first pre booked trip is March 30th (no coincidence on the clock change) but a couple of training journeys will be done pre that date once we get daylight up until 6.00pm which is mid/late February, no point in going away just to watch tele :laughing:

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well sounds reasonable so far but wot about all the weather forecasts ; snow ; ice ; floodings etc etc - or is the first drive a test of endurance or even hisdurance or herdurance? - anyway make sure ya take plenny of gas cos ya keep runnin out of it here!!! love B

The weather can do what it likes, it won’t gazump me!!