Planes Bikes and Automobiles

Its very simple Gums, by the age of 15 (ish) I must have peddled some 5000 miles, off on adventures, silently, through the countryside, map in hand, then the lure of Motorized Bikes came, much more distance was possible, but, the trade off was it was all about the destination, not the journey, and, there tended to be social (gang?) connotations. Then there were many years of cars, and cycling, to and from work, as a necessity, then, that changes. Finally there comes a point in time where, necessity is no longer necessary, the bike is still there but, the inclination to work up a sweat, to gain forward motion has diminished, but, the urge for an adventure has not, so, it is fully logical to go for some assistance. Easiest would be to go for a ā€œGas Bikeā€, the rules for these being transparent, helmet at all times, highway code etc etc, the biggest restriction here is when, on the public highway one slows to 6MPH to take in a view, or a cut through a pedestrianised passage to take in a listed building, or a cruise down a river cycle path blan blah blah, so you really need a bike, but with added umph, and there you go.
If you are respectful to others, and donā€™t blast about with impunity, always aware of your own safety and that of others, you wonā€™t always be welcome in certain situations, but, are tolerated.
Tā€™other day the wife and I were in the outside lane of three, queuing at a traffic island, we heard a siren and observed the blue lights of a ambulance in the rear view mirror picking its way through the stationary traffic on the dual carriageway some 100 metres to the rear, the cars parted where we were to supply free passage in the middle lane for the ambulance, which, it took advantage of, as it blasted past, it was being tailgated by a balaclava clad Chav on a Sur ron, no wonder joe public arenā€™t to endearing sometimes.

I am flabagasted and flumuxed and bewildered - and such a small island with traffic clutter ; cars ; buses ; lorries ā€™ ambulances as you point out ; E bikes and big bikes and cycle bikes - oh what have you done with this green and pleasant land - donā€™t tell me covered it with bloody concrete and tarmac and 65million bodies in some form or other?? ghastly ; yes I can understand why cornwall ; devon ; deserted Wales ; Ireland and Scotland are so attractive - bring me my bow of burning oil ; bring me my chariots of fire - is the Sur on one such chariot??

Guess it might be Gummy, tomoz I have a dilemma, take the Sur ron to Shakespeare country, or, start fitting the new brakes to the Beamer.

feck - ya overwhelmed witeh decisions these days - worst than bein a workin lad heh?

Once a decision maker, always a decision maker Gummy, the book is still open for today, possibly a small amount of work then a local jaunt, there is 45 minutes left to make the decision.

This post was from the 4th April #897
The removal of the bolts was Ā£90.00, and the new set Ā£10.00, just been to the boot of the Beamer to get the wheel nut wrench and, what is there on the tool set tray, the original locking wheel nut wrench, what a dickhead.

Just took the Saracen out, got as far as the main road and front tyre is as flat as a pancake, came back and got the Ammaco dodgy brakes and all, went to see the workers.

is it worth all that fun??

Yes and more, the self challenge, you should really be back here Gummy, expiring on home turf makes the resurrection more understandable, later on. :smiley:

the tales I read sound 'orrible and donā€™t get me started on the weather and then thereā€™s them fore reigners?? nippon here and nippon there??

Said it before, ā€œnip it in the Budā€.

when EC goes I donā€™t know what i will do with meself?? Iā€™ll be gutted


Well, it looks like the Guy has been prepared for the inevitable since 1975.

Sur ron out on the trail today, this is what they are made for, not cruising a housing estate.

Got the first front caliper off the Beamer, just got to get the caliper carrier off now so I can remove the disc.

Here is one of the upgraded new Discs, they are drilled and cross grooved for better stopping power.

god I need some of that myself to increase my own stopping power we have a terrible problem getting rid of bedroom steam??

You be careful Gummy, guys of your age seeking greater staying power in the bedroom, letting off steam, frequently slip a ā€œDiscā€. :laughing:

Iā€™ve slipped a quid or two ocassionally but never a disc? - or ya gotta pick a pocket or two boy?

New disc in place, hub cleaned, now time to clean and paint the Caliper Bracket, and fit the new caliper and pads, then, three more to go.